[ { "id": "book_shoggoth", "type": "BOOK", "category": "books", "name": { "str": "impossible scribbles", "str_pl": "impossible scribbles" }, "description": "A thin leaflet that's filled with chaotic handwriting, disturbing visuals, impossible mathematical equations, languages not known to anyone on Earth and lists of what appears to be names with all of them crossed out. The leaflet has more pages than possible, each and every one of them getting more and more chaotic and giving you a splitting headache as the fabric of reality seems to collapse around your vision. Suddenly, it's all clear to you. On the final page, you read a complex formula on how to summon a shoggoth, seemingly written in your handwriting.", "weight": "150 g", "volume": "250 ml", "price": "200 USD", "material": [ "paper" ], "symbol": "?", "color": "green", "skill" : "cooking", "required_level" : 9, "max_level" : 9, "intelligence" : 13, "time" : "55 m", "fun" : -50 } ]