[ { "type": "martial_art", "id": "style_maid", "name": { "str": "L'art du Nettoyage" }, "description": "It is the servant's duty to take out the trash. Pause to consider your offensive options.", "initiate": [ "You steady yourself, ready to strike with poise and grace.", "%s appears more steady and composed." ], "arm_block": 99, "static_buffs": [ { "id": "maid_defense", "name": "For Another", "description": "A servant stands between their Mistress and the world.\n\nBlocked damage reduced by 100% of Dexterity, +1 Block attempt.", "unarmed_allowed": true, "melee_allowed": true, "bonus_blocks": 1, "flat_bonuses": [ { "stat": "block", "scaling-stat": "dex", "scale": 1.0 } ] }, { "id": "maid_defense_2", "name": "Silent Presence", "description": "A servant must carry out their duties with the appropriate poise and grace.\n\n+2 Dodge skill, +1 Dodge attempt.", "skill_requirements": [ { "name": "melee", "level": 3 } ], "bonus_dodges": 1, "unarmed_allowed": true, "melee_allowed": true, "flat_bonuses": [ { "stat": "dodge", "scale": 2.0 } ] } ], "onmove_buffs": [ { "id": "maid_moved", "name": "Rush", "description": "Somebody needs you. Steady yourself and hurry to their side.\n\n-1 to Hit, +2 Dodge skill, -30% damage.\nLasts 1 turn", "unarmed_allowed": true, "melee_allowed": true, "skill_requirements": [ { "name": "unarmed", "level": 0 } ], "buff_duration": 1, "max_stacks": 1, "flat_bonuses": [ { "stat": "hit", "scale": -1 }, { "stat": "dodge", "scale": 2.0 } ], "mult_bonuses": [ { "stat": "damage", "type": "bash", "scale": 0.7 }, { "stat": "damage", "type": "cut", "scale": 0.7 }, { "stat": "damage", "type": "stab", "scale": 0.7 } ] } ], "onpause_buffs": [ { "id": "maid_pause_bonus", "name": "Repose", "description": "A moment to focus yourself is all you need.\n\n+1 Block and Dodge attempts. Enables certain techniques.\nLasts 3 turns", "unarmed_allowed": true, "melee_allowed": true, "skill_requirements": [ { "name": "unarmed", "level": 0 } ], "buff_duration": 3, "bonus_blocks": 1, "bonus_dodges": 1, "max_stacks": 1 } ], "ongethit_buffs": [ { "id": "maid_gethit", "name": "Flustered", "description": "Ow! I have to try harder!\n\n-2 to Hit, +2 Dodge skill.\nLasts 1 turn", "unarmed_allowed": true, "melee_allowed": true, "buff_duration": 1, "flat_bonuses": [ { "stat": "hit", "scale": -2 }, { "stat": "dodge", "scale": 2.0 } ] } ], "techniques": [ "tec_maid_precise", "tec_maid_counter", "tec_maid_meleecounter", "tec_maid_miyage", "tec_maid_kyusyu", "tec_maid_grab" ], "weapons": [ "chopsticks", "rolling_pin" ], "weapon_category": [ "DUELING_SWORDS", "MEDIEVAL_SWORDS", "JAPANESE_SWORDS", "WHIPS", "JAPANESE_GLAIVES", "CLAWS", "UMBRELLAS", "KITCHEN_IMPLEMENTS", "CLEANING_IMPLEMENTS" ], "//": "In addition to vanilla categories: Allow naginatas, claws, umbrellas, kitchen tools, and cleaning tools." } ]