[ { "type" : "martial_art", "id" : "style_maid", "name" : { "str": "Servant's fighting technique" }, "description" : "A secret assassination technique taught to first-class servants. It gives you an elegant appearance, allowing you to dodge and counterattack with style.", "initiate": [ "You steady yourself, ready to strike with poise and grace.", "%s appears more steady and composed." ], "arm_block" : 99, "leg_block" : 99, "static_buffs" : [ { "id" : "maid_evade", "name" : "Silent presence" , "description" : "By staying still, you get +2 to dodging.", "unarmed_allowed" : true, "melee_allowed" : true, "flat_bonuses" : [["dodge", 2.0]] } ], "onmove_buffs": [ { "id" : "maid_moved", "name" : "Assault" , "description" : "You receive a penalty to dodging when moving, but your chances of hitting and damage dealt are increased in accordance with your perception.", "unarmed_allowed" : true, "melee_allowed" : true, "min_unarmed" : 0, "buff_duration" : 2, "flat_bonuses" : [ ["hit", "per", 1], ["damage", "bash", "per", 0.2], ["damage", "cut", "per", 0.2], ["damage", "stab", "per", 0.2], ["dodge", -4.0] ] } ], "ondodge_buffs": [ { "id" : "maid_evaded_bonus", "name" : "Counterattack" , "description" : "Avoided attacks with minimal movement. You have a chance of landing a counterattack.", "unarmed_allowed" : true, "melee_allowed" : true, "min_unarmed" : 0, "buff_duration" : 2, "max_stacks" : 1, "mult_bonuses" : [ ["damage", "bash", 1.2], ["damage", "cut", 1.2], ["damage", "stab", 1.2] ] } ], "techniques" : ["tec_maid_precise", "tec_maid_counter", "tec_maid_meleecounter", "tec_maid_miyage", "tec_maid_kyusyu" ], "weapons": [ "battle_mop", "maid_claw", "shikomi_stick_draw", "shikomi_stick", "shikomi_kasa_draw", "shikomi_kasa", "spiked_whip", "brutal_broom", "slaying_pan", "vorpal_kitchen_knife", "broom", "mop", "knife_butter", "knife_steak", "spoon", "fork", "pan" ] } ]