[ { "id": "vorpal_kitchen_knife", "//": "Loosely based on the combat knife, but with cutting damage.", "looks_like": "knife_chef", "type": "TOOL", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str": "maid's kitchen knife" }, "description": "It is a kitchen knife suitable for combat. It slices through enemies of your Mistress just as easily as it would food.", "weight": "558 g", "volume": "500 ml", "price": 9000, "price_postapoc": 1000, "to_hit": 1, "bashing": 4, "cutting": 16, "material": [ "steel", "wood" ], "symbol": ";", "color": "light_gray", "qualities": [ [ "CUT", 1 ], [ "CUT_FINE", 1 ], [ "BUTCHER", 20 ] ], "techniques": [ "RAPID" ], "flags": [ "DURABLE_MELEE", "SHEATH_KNIFE" ] }, { "id": "slaying_pan", "//": "Loosely based on the steel frying pan.", "looks_like": "steel_pan", "type":"TOOL", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str": "maid's frying pan" }, "description": "It is a frying pan suitable for combat. It can make short work of threats to your Mistress just as easily as it does food.", "weight": "750 g", "volume": "1 L", "price": 5500, "price_postapoc": 20, "to_hit": 2, "bashing": 18, "material": [ "steel", "wood" ], "symbol": ")", "color": "dark_gray", "container_data": { "contains": "2 L", "watertight": true }, "qualities": [ [ "COOK", 2 ], [ "BOIL", 2 ], [ "CONTAIN", 1 ], [ "CHEM", 1 ] ], "techniques": [ "BRUTAL", "WBLOCK_2" ], "flags": [ "DURABLE_MELEE" ] }, { "id": "brutal_broom", "//": "Loosely based on the naginata.", "looks_like": "broom", "type":"GENERIC", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str": "maid's broom" }, "description": "It is a broom suitable for combat. Inside the handle is a blade, hidden yet unyielding, just like the passion you have for your Mistress.", "weight": "1200 g", "volume": "1500 ml", "price": 9000, "price_postapoc": 1000, "bashing": 4, "cutting": 20, "material": [ "steel", "wood" ], "symbol": "/", "color": "light_gray", "techniques": [ "WIDE", "WBLOCK_1" ], "flags": [ "STAB", "DURABLE_MELEE", "REACH_ATTACK", "NONCONDUCTIVE", "POLEARM", "SHEATH_SPEAR", "ALWAYS_TWOHAND" ] }, { "id": "spiked_whip", "//": "Loosely based on the bullwhip. Has piercing spikes on the end, but is a single whip unlike the scourge. Think shinobi and not dominatrix.", "looks_like": "bullwhip", "type":"GENERIC", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str": "maid's whip" }, "description": "It is a leather whip weighted with countless spikes. It can used to disarm opponents.", "weight": "1300 g", "volume": "1750 ml", "price": 9000, "price_postapoc": 1000, "bashing": 9, "cutting": 4, "material": [ "steel", "leather" ], "symbol": "/", "color": "light_gray", "techniques": [ "WHIP_DISARM" ], "flags": [ "STAB", "DURABLE_MELEE", "REACH_ATTACK", "REACH3", "WHIP", "NONCONDUCTIVE" ] }, { "id": "shikomi_kasa", "looks_like": "umbrella", "type":"GENERIC", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str": "maid's umbrella" }, "description": "The kind of fancy umbrella you imagine sharing with your Mistress on rainy days. It conceals a hidden blade for self-defence.", "weight": "1000 g", "volume": "1500 ml", "price": 17800, "to_hit": 1, "bashing": 6, "cutting": 4, "material": [ "aluminum", "plastic", "steel" ], "symbol": "/", "color": "dark_gray", "techniques": [ "WBLOCK_1" ], "flags": [ "STAB", "DURABLE_MELEE", "RAIN_PROTECT" ], "use_action": { "type": "transform", "target": "shikomi_kasa_draw", "msg": "You trigger the umbrella's spring-loaded blade." } }, { "id": "shikomi_kasa_draw", "looks_like": "wakizashi", "type":"GENERIC", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str": "maid's umbrella (unsheathed)", "str_pl": "maid's umbrellas (unsheathed)" }, "description": "The kind of fancy umbrella you imagine sharing with your Mistress on rainy days. The hidden blade is currently drawn.", "weight": "1000 g", "volume": "1500 ml", "price": 17800, "to_hit": 1, "bashing": 3, "cutting": 24, "material": [ "aluminum", "plastic", "steel" ], "symbol": "/", "color": "dark_gray", "techniques": [ "RAPID", "WBLOCK_1" ], "flags": [ "DURABLE_MELEE" ], "use_action": { "type": "transform", "target": "shikomi_kasa", "msg": "You retract the umbrella's blade back into its hiding spot." } }, { "id": "shikomi_stick", "looks_like": "bokken", "type":"GENERIC", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str": "maid's shirasaya" }, "description": "A matching wooden handle and scabbard, consealing full length katana blade. It appears as a solid wooden stick to those unfamiliar with it, due to how well the handle and scabbard fit together. It reminds you of how well you and your Mistress fit together.", "weight": "1350 g", "volume": "2 L", "price": 17800, "to_hit": 1, "bashing": 14, "cutting": 1, "material": [ "wood", "steel" ], "symbol": "/", "color": "dark_gray", "techniques": [ "RAPID", "WBLOCK_2", "SWEEP" ], "flags": [ "DURABLE_MELEE" ], "use_action": { "type": "transform", "target": "shikomi_stick_draw", "msg": "You unsheath the shirasaya." } }, { "id": "shikomi_stick_draw", "looks_like": "katana", "type":"GENERIC", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str": "maid's shirasaya (unsheathed)", "str_pl": "maid's shirasayas (unsheathed)" }, "description": "A matching wooden handle and scabbard, consealing full length katana blade. It appears as a solid wooden stick to those unfamiliar with it, due to how well the handle and scabbard fit together. It reminds you of how well you and your Mistress fit together.", "weight": "1350 g", "volume": "2 L", "price": 17800, "to_hit": 1, "bashing": 5, "cutting": 34, "material": [ "wood", "steel" ], "symbol": "/", "color": "dark_gray", "techniques": [ "RAPID", "WBLOCK_2" ], "qualities": [ [ "CUT", 1 ], [ "BUTCHER", 9 ] ], "flags": [ "DURABLE_MELEE" ], "use_action": { "type": "transform", "target": "shikomi_stick", "msg": "You resheath the shirasaya." } }, { "id": "maid_claw", "//": "Loosely based on the razorbar katar. But with martialarts of the bionic claws.", "looks_like": "knuckle_katar", "type": "GENERIC", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str_sp": "maid's claws" }, "description": "A pair of sharp claws made from four steel blades and a leather bracer. They strap tightly to your wrist and forearm on both arms.", "weight": "1000 g", "volume": "500 ml", "price": 50000, "price_postapoc": 1000, "bashing": 4, "cutting": 15, "material": [ "steel", "leather" ], "symbol": "!", "color": "dark_gray", "qualities": [ [ "CUT", 1 ], [ "BUTCHER", 8 ] ], "flags": [ "DURABLE_MELEE", "UNARMED_WEAPON" ], "techniques": [ "WBLOCK_1" ] }, { "id": "battle_mop", "//": "Loosely based on the ironshod quarterstaff.", "looks_like": "mop", "type": "TOOL", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str": "maid's mop" }, "description": "A mop with a wooden handle that actually conceals a steel core, making it a formidable weapon for taking out whatever trash may pose a threat to your Mistress.", "weight": "1800 g", "volume": "1750 ml", "price": 4000, "price_postapoc": 1000, "to_hit": 2, "bashing": 22, "material": [ "wood", "iron" ], "color": "light_gray", "symbol": "/", "techniques": [ "WBLOCK_2", "RAPID", "SWEEP" ], "flags": [ "DURABLE_MELEE", "NONCONDUCTIVE", "SHEATH_SPEAR", "ALWAYS_TWOHAND" ], "use_action": "MOP", "qualities": [ [ "HAMMER", 1 ] ] }, { "id": "destruction_otama", "looks_like": "ladle", "type": "TOOL", "category": "weapons", "name": { "str": "maid's ladle" }, "description": "A weapon used by a maid when she's seriously angry. Scary!", "weight": "2000 g", "volume": "1000 ml", "price": 9000, "to_hit": 2, "bashing": 24, "material": [ "steel", "wood" ], "color": "light_gray", "symbol": "/" } ]