[ { "id": "biodiesel_sealed", "type": "TOOL", "category": "tools", "looks_like": "jerrycan", "name": { "str": "sealed jerrycan of biodiesel", "str_pl": "sealed jerrycans of biodiesel" }, "description": "This is a sealed jerrycan containing biodiesel. Use to open.", "weight": "15870 g", "volume": "10 L", "price": 2750, "price_postapoc": 15050, "to_hit": -2, "material": [ "plastic", "hydrocarbons" ], "symbol": ")", "color": "green", "use_action": { "target": "biodiesel", "msg": "You open the jerrycan, exposing it to the atmosphere.", "container": "jerrycan", "target_charges": 10000, "menu_text": "Unseal jerrycan", "type": "transform" } }, { "id": "denat_alocohol_sealed", "type": "TOOL", "category": "tools", "looks_like": "bottle_plastic", "name": { "str": "sealed plastic bottle of denatured alcohol", "str_pl": "sealed plastic bottle of denatured alcohol" }, "description": "This is a sealed plastic bottle containing denatured alcohol. Use to open.", "weight": "513 g", "volume": "500 ml", "price": 250, "price_postapoc": 750, "to_hit": -2, "material": [ "plastic", "alcohol" ], "symbol": ")", "color": "green", "use_action": { "target": "denat_alcohol", "msg": "You open the plastic bottle, exposing it to the atmosphere.", "container": "bottle_plastic", "target_charges": 500, "menu_text": "Unseal plastic bottle", "type": "transform" } } ]