[ { "abstract": "40x53mm_grenade", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "40x53mm grenade" }, "price": "100 USD", "price_postapoc": "60 USD", "volume": "137 ml", "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ], "material": [ "steel", "powder" ], "symbol": "=", "color": "yellow", "count": 10, "stack_size": 1, "ammo_type": "40x53mm", "range": 60, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 80 }, "dispersion": 30, "recoil": 225, "effects": [ "COOKOFF", "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }, { "id": "40x53mm_m1001", "copy-from": "40x53mm_grenade", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "40x53mm M1001" }, "description": "A high velocity 40x53mm flechette cartridge.", "weight": "340 g", "range": 12, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 150, "armor_penetration": 10 }, "recoil": 1000, "casing": "40x53mm_m169_casing", "extend": { "effects": [ "SHOT" ] } }, { "id": "40x53mm_m430a1", "copy-from": "40x53mm_grenade", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "40x53mm M430A1" }, "description": "A high velocity 40x53mm HEDP grenade cartridge. It can penetrate 3 inches of steel armor and fragmentation of the projectile body also makes it suitable for use against infantry.", "weight": "340 g", "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 250, "armor_penetration": 45 }, "casing": "40x53mm_m169_casing", "extend": { "effects": [ "FRAG" ] } }, { "id": "40x53mm_bootleg_m1001", "copy-from": "40x53mm_m1001", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "40x53mm M1001, handmade" }, "description": "A high velocity 40x53mm flechette cartridge. This one has been hand-reloaded by a survivor or perhaps a pre-Cataclysm hobbyist, leading to slightly inferior performance compared to factory-produced ammo.", "proportional": { "price": 0.7, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.9 }, "dispersion": 1.1 }, "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] }, "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ], "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ] } }, { "id": "40x53mm_bootleg_m430a1", "copy-from": "40x53mm_m430a1", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "40x53mm M430A1, handmade" }, "description": "A high velocity 40x53mm HEDP grenade cartridge. It can penetrate 3 inches of steel armor and fragmentation of the projectile body also makes it suitable for use against infantry. This one has been hand-reloaded by a survivor or perhaps a pre-Cataclysm hobbyist, leading to slightly inferior performance compared to factory-produced ammo.", "proportional": { "price": 0.7, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.9 }, "dispersion": 1.1 }, "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] }, "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ], "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ] } }, { "id": "40x53mm_buckshot_m169", "copy-from": "40x53mm_grenade", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "40x53mm buckshot" }, "description": "An improvised 40x53mm buckshot load somewhat resembling M576.", "weight": "340 g", "range": 10, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 130 }, "recoil": 1200, "casing": "40x53mm_m169_casing", "extend": { "effects": [ "SHOT", "RECYCLED" ] }, "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] } }, { "id": "40x53mm_slug_m169", "copy-from": "40x53mm_grenade", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "40x53mm slug" }, "description": "An improvised 40x53mm load resembling an oversized shotgun slug.", "weight": "340 g", "range": 10, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 130, "armor_penetration": 6 }, "recoil": 1200, "casing": "40x53mm_m169_casing", "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] }, "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] } }, { "id": "40x53mm_flechette_m169", "copy-from": "40x53mm_grenade", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "40x53mm flechette" }, "description": "An improvised 40x53mm flechette load somewhat resembling M1001.", "weight": "340 g", "range": 10, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 85, "armor_penetration": 12 }, "recoil": 1200, "casing": "40x53mm_m169_casing", "extend": { "effects": [ "SHOT", "RECYCLED" ] }, "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] } } ]