[ { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_pistol_rare", "//": "Less common pistols including those only used by police/paramilitary forces.", "items": [ { "group": "nested_usp_40", "prob": 95 }, { "group": "nested_hk_p30_9", "prob": 95 }, { "group": "nested_hk_p30_40", "prob": 70 }, { "group": "nested_hk_45", "prob": 45 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "carried_guns_pistol_rare", "//": "Less common pistols including those only used by police/paramilitary forces. As these are carried, they either have mags OR loose ammo rather than both", "items": [ { "group": "everyday_usp_40", "prob": 95 }, { "group": "everyday_hk_p30_9", "prob": 95 }, { "group": "everyday_hk_p30_40", "prob": 70 }, { "group": "everyday_hk_45", "prob": 45 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_pistol_rare_display", "//": "Empty uncommon pistols found exclusively at gun stores.", "items": [ { "item": "usp_40", "prob": 95, "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 0 }, { "item": "hk_p30_9", "prob": 95, "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 0 }, { "item": "hk_p30_40", "prob": 70, "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 0 }, { "item": "hk_45", "prob": 45, "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 0 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_smg_rare", "//": "Less common SMGs including those only used by police/paramilitary forces.", "items": [ { "group": "nested_hk_ump9", "prob": 40 }, { "group": "nested_hk_ump40", "prob": 35 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "carried_guns_smg_rare", "//": "Less common SMGs including those only carried by police/paramilitary forces. Either mags or loose ammo are included.", "items": [ { "group": "everyday_hk_ump9", "prob": 40 }, { "group": "everyday_hk_ump40", "prob": 35 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_smg_rare_display", "//": "Less common SMGs found exclusively in gun stores.", "items": [ { "item": "hk_ump9", "prob": 40, "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 0 }, { "item": "hk_ump40", "prob": 35, "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 0 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_pistol_milspec", "//": "Military specification pistols only ever found at military sites.", "items": [ { "group": "nested_hk_ucp", "prob": 35 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_rifle_rare", "//": "Less common rifles including those only used by police/paramilitary forces.", "items": [ { "group": "nested_hk_psg1a1", "prob": 15 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "carried_guns_rifle_rare", "//": "Less common rifles including those only carried by police/paramilitary forces. Served with mags or a side of loose ammo.", "items": [ { "group": "everyday_hk_psg1a1", "prob": 40 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_rifle_rare_display", "//": "Less common rifles found exclusively in gun stores.", "items": [ { "item": "hk_psg1a1", "prob": 15, "charges-min": 0, "charges-max": 0 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_rifle_milspec", "//": "Military specification rifles only ever found at military sites.", "items": [ { "group": "nested_hk_msg90a2", "prob": 15 }, { "group": "nested_hk_g11", "prob": 30 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "carried_guns_rifle_milspec", "//": "Military specification rifles only ever carried by the military. Issued with mags or loose ammo.", "items": [ { "group": "everyday_hk_msg90a2", "prob": 15 }, { "group": "everyday_hk_g11", "prob": 30 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_shotgun_milspec", "//": "Military shotguns currently in service.", "items": [ { "group": "nested_hk_caws", "prob": 30 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "carried_guns_shotgun_milspec", "//": "Military shotguns currently in service. Might have mags, might have loose ammo.", "items": [ { "group": "everyday_hk_caws", "prob": 30 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_cop", "//": "Police issue weapons of all types", "items": [ { "group": "nested_usp_40", "prob": 10 }, { "group": "nested_hk_p30_9", "prob": 10 }, { "group": "nested_hk_p30_40", "prob": 10 }, { "group": "nested_hk_45", "prob": 10 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "carried_guns_cop", "//": "gun plus potential expended magazines", "items": [ { "group": "everyday_usp_40", "prob": 10 }, { "group": "everyday_hk_p30_9", "prob": 10 }, { "group": "everyday_hk_p30_40", "prob": 10 }, { "group": "everyday_hk_45", "prob": 10 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "guns_swat", "//": "Guns issued to paramilitary forces in addition to standard police issue.", "items": [ { "group": "nested_hk_ump9", "prob": 25 }, { "group": "nested_hk_ump40", "prob": 20 } ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "carried_guns_swat", "//": "Guns issued to paramilitary forces in addition to standard police issue.", "items": [ { "group": "everyday_hk_ump9", "prob": 25 }, { "group": "everyday_hk_ump40", "prob": 20 } ] } ]