[ { "type": "item_group", "id": "mags_milspec", "//": "Current military specification magazines.", "items": [ [ "hk_g11_mag", 20 ], [ "hk_caws_mag", 15 ], [ "hk46midmag", 10 ] ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "mags_military", "//": "_DEPRECATED_ Older military magazines still in service.", "items": [ [ "usp9mag_10rd", 10 ], [ "usp9mag_18rd", 10 ], [ "usp9mag_20rd", 10 ], [ "usp9mag_32rd", 10 ], [ "usp40mag", 10 ] ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "mags_swat", "//": "Magazines issued to paramilitary forces in addition to standard police issue.", "items": [ [ "mp5mag_100rd", 15 ], [ "mp5mag_40rd", 20 ], [ "mp5mag_38rd", 20 ], [ "mp5mag_20rd", 20 ], [ "mp5mag_15rd", 20 ], [ "mp5mag_10rd", 20 ], [ "ump9mag", 20 ], [ "ump40mag", 20 ], [ "usp9mag_10rd", 10 ], [ "usp9mag_18rd", 10 ], [ "usp9mag_20rd", 10 ], [ "usp9mag_32rd", 10 ], [ "usp40mag", 10 ], [ "p309mag", 10 ], [ "p3040mag", 10 ], [ "hk45mag", 10 ] ] }, { "type": "item_group", "id": "mags_smg_common", "//": "Factory specification SMG magazines commonly owned by citizens.", "items": [ [ "mp5mag_100rd", 5 ], [ "mp5mag_40rd", 5 ], [ "mp5mag_38rd", 5 ], [ "mp5mag_20rd", 5 ], [ "mp5mag_15rd", 5 ], [ "mp5mag_10rd", 5 ], [ "ump9mag", 5 ], [ "ump40mag", 5 ] ] } ]