[ { "id": "hk_g11", "copy-from": "rifle_auto", "type": "GUN", "reload_noise_volume": 10, "name": { "str_sp": "H&K G11K2" }, "description": "The Heckler & Koch G11 is a bullpup assault rifle that was designed to replace the G3 rifle. It utilizes the caseless 4.73x33mm round from an internal magazine bay and has a very high rate of burst fire.", "weight": "3650 g", "volume": "1500 ml", "looks_like": "rm51_assault_rifle", "price": 1500000, "price_postapoc": 10000, "to_hit": -1, "bashing": 12, "material": [ "steel", "plastic" ], "symbol": "(", "color": "dark_gray", "ammo": [ "473" ], "skill": "rifle", "dispersion": 120, "durability": 9, "modes": [ [ "DEFAULT", "semi", 1 ], [ "BURST", "burst", 3 ], [ "AUTO", "burst2x", 6 ] ], "valid_mod_locations": [ [ "accessories", 4 ], [ "grip", 1 ], [ "mechanism", 4 ], [ "muzzle", 1 ], [ "rail", 1 ], [ "sights", 1 ], [ "sling", 1 ], [ "underbarrel", 1 ] ], "magazine_well": "500 ml", "default_mods": [ "acog_scope" ], "magazines": [ [ "473", [ "hk_g11_mag" ] ] ], "flags": [ "NEVER_JAMS" ] } ]