[ { "id": "manual_barbaran", "copy-from": "book_martial", "type": "BOOK", "name": { "str": "Las Nueve Reglas de la Montante", "str_pl": "copies of Las Nueve Reglas de la Montante", "//~": "Don't translate name, this book is in archaic Spanish with translations in the margins." }, "price": 11000, "price_postapoc": 3000, "//~": "Spanish description should change to say that this is archaic text and should mention explanations of archaic words instead of translations.", "description": "Thankfully, someone has scrawled translations in the margins of this guide to Barbaran Montante. Judging by the notation, this greatsword and war hammer training manual is also a form of poem.", "martial_art": "style_barbaran" } ]