[ { "type": "martial_art", "id": "style_boxing", "name": { "str": "Boxing" }, "description": "Sport of the true gentleman, modern boxing has evolved from the prizefights of the Victorian era. Strength reduces blocked damage and moving increase dodge skill.", "initiate": [ "You lower your chin and raise your fists to eye level.", "%s prepares to fight with raised fists." ], "learn_difficulty": 1, "arm_block": 1, "static_buffs": [ { "id": "buff_boxing_static", "name": "Boxing Stance", "description": "A solid stance allows you block more damage than normal and deliver better punches.\n\n+1 Accuracy, Blocked damage reduced by 50% of Strength.", "unarmed_allowed": true, "flat_bonuses": [ { "stat": "hit", "scale": 1.0 }, { "stat": "block", "scaling-stat": "str", "scale": 0.5 } ] } ], "onmove_buffs": [ { "id": "buff_boxing_onmove", "name": "Footwork", "description": "You are make yourself harder to hit by bobbing and weaving as you move.\n\n+1.0 Dodge skill.\nLasts for 1 turns. Stacks 2 times.", "skill_requirements": [ { "name": "unarmed", "level": 3 } ], "unarmed_allowed": true, "buff_duration": 1, "max_stacks": 2, "flat_bonuses": [ { "stat": "dodge", "scale": 1.0 } ] } ], "ondodge_buffs": [ { "id": "buff_boxing_ondodge", "name": "Counter Chance", "description": "You've seen your chance. Now strike back!\n\n+25% damage.\nLasts for 1 turn.", "skill_requirements": [ { "name": "unarmed", "level": 5 } ], "unarmed_allowed": true, "buff_duration": 1, "mult_bonuses": [ { "stat": "damage", "type": "bash", "scale": 1.25 }, { "stat": "damage", "type": "cut", "scale": 1.25 }, { "stat": "damage", "type": "stab", "scale": 1.25 } ] } ], "techniques": [ "tec_boxing_rapid", "tec_boxing_cross", "tec_boxing_upper", "tec_boxing_counter" ] } ]