[ { "type": "martial_art", "id": "style_niten", "name": { "str": "Niten Ichi-Ryu" }, "description": "Niten Ichi-Ryu is an ancient school of combat, transmitting a style of classical Japanese swordsmanship conceived by the warrior Miyamoto Musashi. Perception increases damage and reduces blocked damage. Moving and attacking reduces dodging and damage until you pause. Pausing for a moment increases Dodge skill.", "initiate": [ "You clear your mind as you prepare yourself for combat.", "%s relaxes and prepares for combat." ], "learn_difficulty": 8, "primary_skill": "cutting", "strictly_melee": true, "static_buffs": [ { "id": "buff_niten_static", "name": "Niten Ichi-Ryu Stance", "description": "Cautious watchful eyes\nmeasure and display your skill.\nPractice makes perfect.\n\nArmor penetration increased by 50% of Perception, blocked damage reduced by 100% of Perception.", "melee_allowed": true, "flat_bonuses": [ { "stat": "arpen", "type": "bash", "scaling-stat": "per", "scale": 0.5 }, { "stat": "arpen", "type": "cut", "scaling-stat": "per", "scale": 0.5 }, { "stat": "arpen", "type": "stab", "scaling-stat": "per", "scale": 0.5 }, { "stat": "block", "scaling-stat": "per", "scale": 1.0 } ] } ], "onmove_buffs": [ { "id": "buff_niten_onmove", "name": "Waning Moon", "description": "Blackened like darkness,\nnightmares approach from all sides.\nFlee at any cost!\n\n-5.0 Dodge skill.\nLasts 1 turn.", "melee_allowed": true, "buff_duration": 1, "persists": true, "flat_bonuses": [ { "stat": "dodge", "scale": -5.0 } ] } ], "onattack_buffs": [ { "id": "buff_niten_onattack", "name": "Falling Leaf", "description": "A sharp sword cuts true.\nAlthough, all things fade with time.\nRestraint hones your skills.\n\n-1.0 Dodge skill, -1 bash damage, -1 cut damage.\nLasts 1 turn. Stacks 5 times.", "melee_allowed": true, "buff_duration": 1, "max_stacks": 5, "persists": true, "flat_bonuses": [ { "stat": "dodge", "scale": -1.0 } ], "mult_bonuses": [ { "stat": "damage", "type": "bash", "scale": 0.95 }, { "stat": "damage", "type": "cut", "scale": 0.95 }, { "stat": "damage", "type": "stab", "scale": 0.95 } ] } ], "ondodge_buffs": [ { "id": "buff_niten_ondodge", "name": "Moonlight", "description": "Luck be the light,\non a dark and cloudy night\nas the moon shines down\n\nEnables \"In-One Timing\".\nLasts 1 turn.", "skill_requirements": [ { "name": "melee", "level": 5 } ], "melee_allowed": true, "buff_duration": 1 } ], "onpause_buffs": [ { "id": "buff_niten_onpause", "name": "Stillness", "description": "The eye of the storm,\na fleeting moment of peace,\ngone without a trace.\n\n+2 Accuracy, Dodge skill increased by 50% of Perception.\nLasts 2 turns.", "melee_allowed": true, "buff_duration": 2, "flat_bonuses": [ { "stat": "hit", "scale": 2.0 }, { "stat": "dodge", "scaling-stat": "per", "scale": 0.5 } ] } ], "techniques": [ "niten_water_cut", "niten_red_leaf", "niten_stone_cut", "niten_timing_attack", "niten_feint" ], "weapons": [ "bokken", "bokken_inferior", "bokken_fake", "glass_macuahuitl", "katana", "katana_inferior", "katana_fake", "nodachi", "nodachi_inferior", "nodachi_fake", "sword_nail", "sword_crude", "sword_wood", "sword_metal", "wakizashi", "wakizashi_inferior", "wakizashi_fake" ] } ]