[ { "id": "m3_carlgustav", "copy-from": "rocket_base", "type": "GUN", "color": "green", "name": { "str": "M3 recoilless rifle" }, "description": "Manufactured in Sweden, the Carl Gustaf M3 is a breech-loading 84 millimeter man-portable, reusable, multi-role recoilless rifle commonly used by the US military.", "price": "13 kUSD", "price_postapoc": "60 USD", "material": "steel", "extend": { "flags": [ "BACKBLAST", "FIRE_TWOHAND" ] }, "ammo": "84x246mm", "weight": "6900 g", "volume": "4500 ml", "barrel_length": "250 ml", "bashing": 8, "dispersion": 300, "clip_size": 1, "reload": 300, "loudness": 200, "valid_mod_locations": [ [ "accessories", 4 ], [ "barrel", 1 ], [ "grip", 1 ], [ "mechanism", 4 ], [ "sights", 1 ], [ "rail mount", 1 ], [ "underbarrel mount", 1 ], [ "sling", 1 ] ], "//": "Fix description to Gustaf. Gustaf Gun, with an F, is this thing. Gustav Gun, with a V, is Thomas the Tank Engine's grumpy German cousin. xD", "//2": "Add a sling mod slot. Every other rocket launcher has one.", "//3": "Entirely overwrite vanilla to fix misclassification as grenade launcher." }, { "id": "AT4", "type": "GUN", "copy-from": "m3_carlgustav", "name": { "str": "AT4" }, "description": "An 84mm unguided, portable, single-shot recoilless smoothbore weapon used primarily by the US military.", "extend": { "flags": [ "NO_REPAIR", "NO_RELOAD", "NO_UNLOAD", "TRADER_AVOID" ] }, "delete": { "flags": [ "RELOAD_ONE" ] }, "weight": "6260 g", "volume": "3500 ml", "price": "20000 USD", "bashing": 4, "dispersion": 200, "durability": 7 } ]