[ { "abstract": "20x66_shot_abstract", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm buckshot" }, "//": "2.5x the Generic Rate of $1/shot", "description": "A 20x66mm caseless shotgun round, buckshot type. Proprietary ammunition for Rivtech shotguns. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "weight": "56 g", "volume": "415 ml", "price": "15 USD", "price_postapoc": "40 USD", "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ], "material": [ "steel", "powder" ], "symbol": "=", "color": "pink", "count": 20, "stack_size": 20, "ammo_type": "20x66mm", "range": 12, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 100 }, "recoil": 2500, "loudness": 160, "effects": [ "COOKOFF", "SHOT", "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }, { "id": "20x66_shot", "copy-from": "20x66_shot_abstract", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm buckshot" }, "//": "2.5x the Generic Rate of $1/shot", "description": "A 20x66mm caseless shotgun round, buckshot type. Proprietary ammunition for Rivtech shotguns. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded." }, { "id": "20x66_beanbag", "copy-from": "20x66_shot", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm beanbag" }, "description": "A 20x66mm caseless shotgun round, sublethal beanbag type. Proprietary ammunition for Rivtech shotguns. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "price": "80 USD", "price_postapoc": "10 USD", "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ], "count": 10, "damage": { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 6 }, "proportional": { "recoil": 0.4, "loudness": 0.6 }, "extend": { "effects": [ "LARGE_BEANBAG", "NOGIB" ] } }, { "id": "20x66_flechette", "copy-from": "20x66_shot", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm flechette" }, "description": "A 20x66mm caseless shotgun round, flechette type. Proprietary ammunition for Rivtech shotguns. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "price": "40 USD", "price_postapoc": "40 USD", "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ], "count": 10, "relative": { "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": -18, "armor_penetration": 20 } } }, { "id": "20x66_flechette_reloaded", "copy-from": "20x66_flechette", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm flechette, handmade", "str_pl": "20x66mm flechettes, handmade" }, "description": "Handcrafted bootleg duplicates of of Rivtech 20x66mm flechette caseless rounds. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "proportional": { "price": 0.7, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.9 }, "dispersion": 1.1 }, "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] }, "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ], "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ] } }, { "id": "20x66_shot_reloaded", "copy-from": "20x66_shot", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm buckshot, handmade" }, "description": "Handcrafted bootleg duplicates of Rivtech 20x66mm buckshot caseless rounds. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "proportional": { "price": 0.7, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.9 }, "dispersion": 1.1 }, "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] }, "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ], "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ] } }, { "id": "20x66_slug", "copy-from": "20x66_shot_abstract", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm slug" }, "description": "A 20x66mm caseless shotgun round, solid projectile type. Proprietary ammunition for Rivtech shotguns. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "price": "15 USD", "price_postapoc": "40 USD", "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ], "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 84, "armor_penetration": 8 }, "relative": { "range": 12 }, "proportional": { "dispersion": 1.3, "recoil": 1.4 }, "delete": { "effects": [ "SHOT" ] } }, { "id": "20x66_slug_reloaded", "copy-from": "20x66_slug", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm slug, handmade", "str_pl": "20x66mm slugs, handmade" }, "description": "Handcrafted bootleg duplicates of Rivtech 20x66mm solid projectile caseless rounds. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "proportional": { "price": 0.7, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.9 }, "dispersion": 1.1 }, "extend": { "effects": [ "RECYCLED" ] }, "delete": { "effects": [ "NEVER_MISFIRES" ], "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ] } }, { "id": "20x66_exp", "copy-from": "20x66_shot_abstract", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm explosive" }, "description": "A 20x66mm caseless shotgun round, explosive projectile type. Proprietary ammunition for Rivtech shotguns. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "price": "100 USD", "price_postapoc": "80 USD", "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ], "range": 12, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 16, "armor_penetration": 4 }, "dispersion": 120, "effects": [ "COOKOFF", "EXPLOSIVE_TINY", "NEVER_MISFIRES" ] }, { "id": "20x66_flare", "copy-from": "20x66_shot_abstract", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm flare" }, "description": "A 20x66mm caseless shotgun round, signal flare type. Proprietary ammunition for Rivtech shotguns. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "price": "50 USD", "price_postapoc": "40 USD", "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ], "count": 10, "range": 24, "damage": { "damage_type": "heat", "amount": 16 }, "dispersion": 200, "recoil": 100, "drop": "handflare_lit", "effects": [ "NO_EMBED" ] }, { "id": "20x66_frag", "copy-from": "20x66_slug", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm frag" }, "description": "A 20x66mm caseless shotgun round, explosive fragmentation type. Proprietary ammunition for Rivtech shotguns. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "price": "78 USD", "price_postapoc": "50 USD", "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ], "count": 5, "proportional": { "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 0.25, "armor_penetration": 0.25 } }, "extend": { "effects": [ "FRAG_SMALL" ] } }, { "id": "20x66_inc", "copy-from": "20x66_shot", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "20x66mm incendiary", "str_pl": "20x66mm incendiaries" }, "description": "A 20x66mm caseless shotgun round, incendiary type. Proprietary ammunition for Rivtech shotguns. Being caseless rounds, these cannot be disassembled or reloaded.", "price": "105 USD", "price_postapoc": "50 USD", "flags": [ "IRREPLACEABLE_CONSUMABLE" ], "count": 10, "extend": { "effects": [ "INCENDIARY" ] } } ]