[ { "id": "flintlock_ammo", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "paper cartridge" }, "description": "A paper cartridge containing black powder and a metallic projectile. Historically used to reload muzzleloaders in a more reasonable time.", "weight": "40 g", "volume": "10 ml", "price": 1100, "price_postapoc": 1200, "material": [ "lead", "powder" ], "symbol": "=", "color": "white", "count": 30, "stack_size": 10, "ammo_type": "flintlock", "range": 6, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 30 }, "dispersion": 90, "recoil": 1500, "loudness": 70, "effects": [ "COOKOFF", "MUZZLE_SMOKE", "BLACKPOWDER", "RECYCLED" ] }, { "id": "flintlock_shot", "type": "AMMO", "name": { "str": "paper shot cartridge" }, "description": "A paper cartridge containing black powder and metallic shot. Historically used to reload muzzleloaders in a more reasonable time.", "weight": "40 g", "volume": "10 ml", "price": 1100, "price_postapoc": 1200, "material": [ "lead", "powder" ], "symbol": "=", "color": "white", "count": 30, "stack_size": 10, "ammo_type": "flintlockshot", "range": 8, "damage": { "damage_type": "bullet", "amount": 45 }, "dispersion": 20, "recoil": 1500, "loudness": 90, "effects": [ "COOKOFF", "MUZZLE_SMOKE", "SHOT", "BLACKPOWDER", "RECYCLED" ] } ]