Vampiric Stuff v1.4 - Axema Vales (author) - CDDA official website ~ Recent changelogs are noted in this file, especially if its important such as gameplay tweaks or a total overhaul. =>CURRENT UPDATES<= (#changes, +contents, ~rebalances, -fixes...) --> V1.4 - We are now continuing the progress... little by little. <-- # TILESETS (if possible) + ADDED NEW MONSTERS (infected vampires expanded, with much more lethal counterparts) + ADDED A NEW MELEE WEAPON (fanged falchion) + EXPANDED CONDITIONAL DIALOGUES (even more talky stuff, some avoidance to repetitive dialogue lines of NPCs) + ADDED MORE MISSIONS (missions to expand, defend and fortify the outskirts) + ADDED NEW NPCS (quest related NPCs for the wasteland outskirts) + ADDED A MAIN LOCATION (vampirus, home for the infected vampires) ~ ARMOR DATA TWEAKS (massive decrease in damage resistance) - MISSION IMPROVEMENTS (an even better flow of progression with some missions) - FIXED MAJOR MISSION BUG (accepting the first quest ends into the final rewards) - LOCATION SPAWN TWEAKS (major reduction of overmap generation, quest structures now spawn super rare) - VAMPIRES (now are immune to most common debuffs) =>PAST UPDATES<= --> V1.3 - With tons of new JSONable NPC dialogue features, an idea came up and has eventually gave birth to the Vampiric Stuff + Arcana Mod Extension. Simple, but it ate most of my time (worth it!) <-- + ADDED A NEW VAMPIRIC GUN (very cheap pistol) + ADDED GHOST TOWNS (aesthetic hidden villages) + ADDED NEW MAPGENS (reworked old crypts with a new layout) +? ADDED A NEW NPC (arcane seeker, a vampire NPC that collects item from the Arcana mod) +? ADDED A NEW MAPGEN (for the wasteland outskirts as its basement) +? NOW FEATURES A TRADING MECHANICS (gather tokens as currency in exchange of exclusive items) +? TRADEABLE ITEMS EXPANDED (essences, monster trophies and almost all non-generated artifacts) - NPC MISSION FIXES (quest bugs fixed, especially for item retrievals) --> V1.2 - Focused on fixing loadsome of bugs, some rebalances, removing nonsensical contents, and reworks to NPCs. <-- + ADDED A NEW NPC (underground seeker, the scout of the cove) + ADDED SOME MISSIONS (regards to the undervamps of the vampire cove) ~ ITEM DATA REWORKS (various item price fixes, weight and volume tweaks in certain items) ~ ARMOR DATA FIXES (blood hoods will now protect vampires from sunlight, encumberance changes) ~ WEAPON DATA FIXES (large decrease on damage) ~ TWEAKED NPC STATS (large decrease on skills, reduction of natural stats) - NPC GEAR FIXES (reorganized npc clothing and minor bug fixes) - NPC MISSION REMOVALS (non-loric quests erased) - REWORKS ON NPC MISSIONS (large fixes and some changes for most quests) - NPC DIALOGUE FIXES (statement recorrections and some removal/changes) - UNUSED CREATURES REMOVAL (trashed non-loric entities) - ISOLATED SPAWNRATE FIXED (only the leeches spawn in the swamps) - FIXED STRUCTURAL ISSUES (static overmaps fixed) - LOCATION SPAWN FIXES (structures spawn as independent, in which it has no affixed city name) --> V1.1 - After returning to the project, I focused on major rebalances along with a bunch of new contents. <-- + NEW ARMOR SETS (blood and blood infused, recipes also included) + A NEW MELEE WEAPON (knuckle biters) + NEW RANGE WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION (blood-projecting and modified human gun types) + ADDED REINFORCED WEAPONS (simple requirement) + ADDED NEW LOCATIONS (blood hole, random graveyards) + ADDED MAIN LOCATION (wasteland outskirts, a large location acts like the vampire cove) + MONSTER UPGRADES (blood compact zombies and leeches further upgrade paths) ~ WEAPON TWEAKS (moderately reduced damage, removed ultimate techniques and are regained after reinforcement) - MONSTER TWEAKS (greatly reduced monster stats) - FIXED A MAP (vampire cove is even larger now) - MAPGEN FIXED (slightly increased the chance to see structures) - FIXED NPCS (they are now wearing blood armors, few got vampiric guns) - FIXED NPC STATS (greatly reduced stat) - CHANGED VAMPIRE FACTION LORE (no more hate, they want humans to survive) --> V1.0 - Introduced the idea to the forums... But it didn't end so well, so I left the project for "few" months. <-- + INTRODUCED VAMPIRIC STUFF (built the major structure from a jumbled idea, which served as the main outline for the upcoming updates) ?? FORGOTTEN LOGS