[{ "//": "Reduced weight.", "type": "COMESTIBLE", "id": "blood", "copy-from": "blood", "name": "blood", "name_plural": "blood", "weight": 5, "color": "red", "container": "flask_glass", "comestible_type": "DRINK", "symbol": "~", "quench": 5, "healthy": -8, "calories": 43, "description": "Blood, possibly that of a human. Disgusting!", "price": 100, "material": ["hflesh"], "volume": 1, "phase": "liquid", "fun": -50 }, { "id": "melted_bloodrune", "type": "GENERIC", "category": "spare_parts", "name": "melted bloodrune stone", "description": "Finely crushed and extremely heated bloodrune stone. It merely generates a faint glow and seems to maintain its power in its phase.", "weight": 750, "volume": 1, "price": 0, "price_postapoc": 0, "material": ["compactblood"], "symbol": "~", "color": "red" }, { "id": "bloodrune", "type": "GENERIC", "category": "spare_parts", "name": "bloodrune stone", "description": "A pleasant ruby stone, possibly owned by a vampire. Its core mimics a heartbeat with unreadable marks appearing again and again from its outside layer. The strange power seems to be used with certain crafts.", "weight": 750, "volume": 1, "price": 0, "price_postapoc": 500000, "count": 3, "material": ["compactblood"], "symbol": ".", "color": "red" }, { "id": "bigbloodrune", "type": "GENERIC", "category": "spare_parts", "name": "large bloodrune stone", "description": "A large bloodrune stone, seemingly compressed by an unknown source. It trembles by its own, eager to shatter from its shell.", "weight": 3000, "volume": 7, "price": 0, "price_postapoc": 2500000, "material": ["compactblood"], "symbol": ".", "color": "red" }, { "id": "stickyblood", "type": "GENERIC", "category": "spare_parts", "name": "sticky blood", "description": "A sticky, rounded human blood, as literally. Its adhesiveness is compare to the regular superglues.", "weight": 250, "volume": 1, "price": 0, "price_postapoc": 200000, "material": ["compactblood"], "symbol": "o", "color": "red" }, { "id": "bloodpowder", "type": "COMESTIBLE", "comestible_type": "FOOD", "name": "blood powder", "description": "A powdered human blood. Perfect vampire getaway snacks.", "weight": 10, "volume": 0, "price": 1, "count": 10, "quench": 1, "healthy": -3, "nutrition": 3, "material": ["hflesh"], "symbol": "'", "color": "red" }, { "id": "bloodextract", "type": "COMESTIBLE", "comestible_type": "FOOD", "name": "blood extract", "description": "A sticky sap after the process of extraction from the blood.", "weight": 40, "volume": 1, "price": 0, "quench": 5, "healthy": -3, "nutrition": -2, "material": ["hflesh"], "symbol": "~", "color": "pink", "count": 3 }, { "id": "compactsheet", "type": "GENERIC", "category": "spare_parts", "name": "blood compact sheet", "description": "Well compressed leathery sheet. It is known as an aesthetics clothing material, due to its unique reddish appearance. But from now, it was proven superior to armorcraft.", "weight": 250, "volume": 1, "price": 0, "material": ["compactblood"], "symbol": "#", "color": "red" }, { "id": "pelletblood", "type": "GENERIC", "category": "spare_parts", "name": "blood pellet", "description": "A tiny blood pellet, sparkling like bits of fined rubies.", "weight": 10, "volume": 0, "price": 0, "count": 2, "material": ["compactblood"], "symbol": ".", "color": "red" } ]