[ { "abstract": "v_spell_scroll", "looks_like": "paper", "name": { "str": "Spell Scroll" }, "type": "GENERIC", "weight": "475 g", "volume": "500 ml", "price": "40 USD", "material": [ "paper" ], "symbol": "?", "color": "light_red" }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_VAMPIRIC_DEBUG", "name": { "str": "scroll of ancient vampiric wisdom" }, "description": "Written in an unreadable language. With just a glimpse, you learn how to cast all vampiric spells!", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t1_blood_transfusion", "t1_blood_bcurl", "t1_blood_clot", "t2_blood_bloodpuddle", "t2_blood_bloodsting", "t2_blood_bloodsynthesis", "t3_blood_crimsonhaze", "t3_blood_suppress", "t3_blood_purge", "t4_blood_riptide", "t4_blood_bloodsurge", "t4_blood_bloodwave", "t5_blood_vampiricoutrage", "t5_blood_essencepull", "t5_blood_crimsoncoat", "t6_blood_bloodbomb", "t6_blood_desolation", "t6_blood_leechswhip", "t7_blood_form_orus", "t1_mana_darkbolt", "t1_mana_arcanebinding", "t2_mana_darkbeam", "t2_mana_etherealstrike", "t3_mana_darkblast", "t3_mana_manasurge", "t4_mana_darkburst", "t5_mana_megamagic", "t5_mana_danceofthesilhouettes", "t6_mana_darkpillar", "t6_mana_etherealenchantment", "t7_mana_idol_vex", "t1_elem_exerxium", "t1_elem_frost", "t1_elem_elemdis", "t2_elem_ignite", "t3_elem_perfury", "t3_elem_blizzaga", "t4_elem_firewall", "t5_elem_firebane", "t5_elem_icebane", "t6_elem_exerxium", "t6_elem_elemward", "t7_elem_desecrate", "t7_elem_eternalfrost" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t1_blood_transfusion", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Transfusion", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Transfusion" }, "description": "Drain the life force of a target within reach.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t1_blood_transfusion" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t1_blood_bcurl", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Curl", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Curl" }, "description": "Command the target's life force to hinder the flow of blood.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t1_blood_bcurl" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t1_blood_clot", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Clot", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Clot" }, "description": "Expend a small amount of your life force to induce rapid clotting on a body part.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t1_blood_clot" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t2_blood_bloodpuddle", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Puddle", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Puddle" }, "description": "Expel a portion of your blood and command it to form a thick pool in an area.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t2_blood_bloodpuddle" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t2_blood_bloodsting", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Dagger", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Dagger" }, "description": "Launch a small amount of your blood as a blade which can imaple your target.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t2_blood_bloodsting" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t2_blood_bloodsynthesis", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Synthesis", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Synthesis" }, "description": "Expend a portion of your life force to heal tissue damage in others.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t2_blood_bloodsynthesis" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t3_blood_crimsonhaze", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Crimson Haze", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Crimson Haze" }, "description": "Expel and vaporize some of your blood to create a disorienting haze.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t3_blood_crimsonhaze" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t3_blood_suppress", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Flow Suppression", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Flow Suppression" }, "description": "Command the target's life force to heavily restrict the flow of blood.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t3_blood_suppress" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t3_blood_purge", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Purge", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Purge" }, "description": "Expend a small amount of your life force to expel contaminants from your body.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t3_blood_purge" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t4_blood_riptide", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Tide", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Tide" }, "description": "Expel some of your blood to strike all targets inside a wide cone.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t4_blood_riptide" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t4_blood_bloodsurge", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Surge", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Surge" }, "description": "Expend some of your life force to greatly accelerate your blood flow.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t4_blood_bloodsurge" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t4_blood_bloodwave", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Wave", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Wave" }, "description": "Expel a moderate portion of your blood as a shockwave.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t4_blood_bloodwave" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t5_blood_vampiricoutrage", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Vampiric Rage", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Vampiric Rage" }, "description": "Unleash your entire life force in a deadly assault against anything that threatens you.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t5_blood_vampiricoutrage" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t5_blood_essencepull", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Eruption", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Eruption" }, "description": "Command the life force of the target to violently burst blood from every pore of their body.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t5_blood_essencepull" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t5_blood_crimsoncoat", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Crimson Coat", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Crimson Coat" }, "description": "Convert a portion of your blood into a thick flexible armour.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t5_blood_crimsoncoat" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t6_blood_bloodbomb", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Bomb", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Bomb" }, "description": "Compress and throw a portion of your blood. Upon impact it will burst into a maelstrom of crystalized blood daggers.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t6_blood_bloodbomb" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t6_blood_desolation", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Desolation", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Desolation" }, "description": "Expend a large amount of your life force to summon a ravenous mist.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t6_blood_desolation" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t6_blood_leechswhip", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Sword", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Sword" }, "description": "Convert some of your blood into a powerful sword.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t6_blood_leechswhip" ] } }, { "type": "GENERIC", "copy-from": "v_spell_scroll", "id": "v_spell_scroll_t7_blood_form_orus", "name": { "str": "Scroll of Blood Ascension", "str_pl": "Scrolls of Blood Ascension" }, "description": "Transform your entire body into a nightmarish avatar of blood.", "use_action": { "type": "learn_spell", "spells": [ "t7_blood_form_orus" ] } } ]