    "id": "mon_zombie_succumbvampire",
    "type": "MONSTER",
    "name": { "str": "infected vampire" },
    "description": "This former vampire has been engulfed by a black ooze that seeps from its eyes.",
    "default_faction": "zombie",
    "species": [ "ZOMBIE" ],
    "size": "MEDIUM",
    "bodytype": "human",
    "hp": 555,
    "speed": 150,
    "material": [ "flesh" ],
    "symbol": "V",
    "color": "light_gray_red",
    "aggression": 100,
    "morale": 100,
    "melee_skill": 10,
    "melee_dice": 6,
    "melee_dice_sides": 6,
    "melee_cut": 6,
    "dodge": 5,
    "harvest": "exempt",
    "armor_bash": 2,
    "armor_cut": 12,
    "vision_day": 50,
    "vision_night": 20,
    "special_attacks": [ { "type": "bite", "cooldown": 7 }, [ "GRAB", 7 ] ],
    "death_drops": "succumbvampire",
    "death_function": [ "DISAPPEAR" ],
    "id": "mon_zombie_succumbvampire_sinker",
    "type": "MONSTER",
    "name": { "str": "shady infected vampire" },
    "description": "This former vampire is shrouded in a black mist, silently hunting prey with a totally feral instinct.",
    "default_faction": "zombie",
    "species": [ "ZOMBIE" ],
    "size": "MEDIUM",
    "bodytype": "human",
    "hp": 480,
    "speed": 165,
    "material": [ "flesh" ],
    "symbol": "V",
    "color": "light_gray_red",
    "aggression": 100,
    "morale": 100,
    "melee_skill": 10,
    "melee_dice": 2,
    "melee_dice_sides": 6,
    "melee_cut": 8,
    "dodge": 6,
    "harvest": "exempt",
    "armor_bash": 1,
    "armor_cut": 10,
    "vision_day": 50,
    "vision_night": 20,
    "special_attacks": [ [ "BRANDISH", 22 ], { "type": "spell", "spell_data": { "id": "v_sink_bstrike" }, "cooldown": 28 } ],
    "looks_like": "mon_zombie_succumbvampire",
    "death_drops": "succumbvampire",
    "death_function": [ "DISAPPEAR" ],
    "id": "mon_zombie_succumbvampire_warlock",
    "type": "MONSTER",
    "name": { "str": "infected vampire warlock" },
    "description": "This former vampire continually twitches its fingers.",
    "default_faction": "zombie",
    "species": [ "ZOMBIE" ],
    "size": "MEDIUM",
    "bodytype": "human",
    "hp": 585,
    "speed": 130,
    "material": [ "flesh" ],
    "symbol": "V",
    "color": "light_gray_red",
    "aggression": 100,
    "morale": 100,
    "melee_skill": 8,
    "melee_dice": 4,
    "melee_dice_sides": 6,
    "melee_cut": 4,
    "dodge": 3,
    "harvest": "exempt",
    "armor_bash": 4,
    "armor_cut": 10,
    "vision_day": 50,
    "vision_night": 20,
    "special_attacks": [
      { "type": "spell", "spell_data": { "id": "v_warlock_innate_strike" }, "cooldown": 16 },
      { "type": "spell", "spell_data": { "id": "v_warlock_stun" }, "cooldown": 36 }
    "looks_like": "mon_zombie_succumbvampire",
    "death_drops": "succumbvampire",
    "death_function": [ "DISAPPEAR" ],
    "id": "mon_zombie_succumbvampire_conjurer",
    "type": "MONSTER",
    "name": { "str": "infected vampire conjurer" },
    "description": "This former vampire occasionally pulses a black aura.",
    "default_faction": "zombie",
    "species": [ "ZOMBIE" ],
    "size": "MEDIUM",
    "bodytype": "human",
    "hp": 520,
    "speed": 120,
    "material": [ "flesh" ],
    "symbol": "V",
    "color": "light_gray_red",
    "aggression": 100,
    "morale": 100,
    "melee_skill": 8,
    "melee_dice": 4,
    "melee_dice_sides": 4,
    "melee_cut": 4,
    "dodge": 3,
    "harvest": "exempt",
    "armor_bash": 2,
    "armor_cut": 12,
    "vision_day": 50,
    "vision_night": 20,
    "special_attacks": [
      { "type": "spell", "spell_data": { "id": "v_profane_fire" }, "cooldown": 14 },
      { "type": "spell", "spell_data": { "id": "v_profane_hellfire" }, "cooldown": 74 }
    "looks_like": "mon_zombie_succumbvampire",
    "death_drops": "succumbvampire",
    "death_function": [ "DISAPPEAR" ],
    "//": "A support class. It heals nearby allies and deals aoe damage to enemies.",
    "id": "mon_zombie_succumbvampire_hemomancer",
    "type": "MONSTER",
    "name": { "str": "infected vampire hemomancer" },
    "description": "This former vampire seems to drip with blood that swirls back into its body.",
    "default_faction": "zombie",
    "species": [ "ZOMBIE" ],
    "size": "MEDIUM",
    "bodytype": "human",
    "hp": 820,
    "speed": 115,
    "material": [ "flesh" ],
    "symbol": "V",
    "color": "light_gray_red",
    "aggression": 100,
    "morale": 100,
    "melee_skill": 6,
    "melee_dice": 4,
    "melee_dice_sides": 4,
    "melee_cut": 2,
    "dodge": 2,
    "harvest": "exempt",
    "armor_bash": 12,
    "armor_cut": 22,
    "vision_day": 50,
    "vision_night": 20,
    "special_attacks": [ { "type": "spell", "spell_data": { "id": "v_hemo_transfusion" }, "cooldown": 24 } ],
    "looks_like": "mon_zombie_succumbvampire",
    "death_drops": "succumbvampire",
    "death_function": [ "DISAPPEAR" ],