[ { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "bodyslam", "cooldown": 15, "move_cost": 200, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 10, "armor_penetration": 18, "armor_multiplier": 0.7 } ], "effects": [ { "id": "downed", "duration": 3 } ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s pressed you with its body!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s body slammed <npcname>!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s tries to body slam you, but fails to penetrate your armor!", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s tries to body slam <npcname>, but fails to penetrate their armor!" }, { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "crunch", "cooldown": 20, "move_cost": 160, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "cut", "amount": 7, "armor_multiplier": 0.9 }, { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 5, "armor_multiplier": 0.7 } ], "body_parts": [ [ "head", 3 ], [ "eyes", 2 ], [ "mouth", 1 ], [ "torso", 4 ], [ "arm_l", 3 ], [ "arm_r", 3 ], [ "hand_l", 2 ], [ "hand_r", 2 ], [ "leg_l", 3 ], [ "leg_r", 3 ], [ "foot_l", 2 ], [ "foot_r", 2 ] ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s latches its mouth and crunches at you!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s latches its mouth and crunches <npcname>!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s crunches at you, but fails to penetrate your armor.", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s crunches <npcname>, but fails to penetrate their armor." }, { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "devour", "cooldown": 50, "move_cost": 100, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "biological", "amount": 15 } ], "effects": [ { "id": "blind", "duration": 5 }, { "id": "downed", "duration": 5 } ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s devoured you and eventually spat out!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s devoured <npcname>!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s tries to devour you, but fails to do it!", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s tries to devour <npcname>, but fails to do it!" }, { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "heavygrab", "cooldown": 20, "move_cost": 120, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 15, "armor_penetration": 25, "armor_multiplier": 0.6 } ], "body_parts": [ [ "torso", 1 ] ], "effects": [ { "id": "grabbed", "duration": 250, "bp": "torso" }, { "id": "downed", "duration": 10 } ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s hugs you to the floor!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s is hugging <npcname>!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s tries to hug you, but fails to do it!", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s tries to hug <npcname>, but fails to do it!" }, { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "hemorrhage", "cooldown": 30, "move_cost": 100, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "cut", "amount": 3, "armor_penetration": 20, "armor_multiplier": 0.5 } ], "body_parts": [ [ "torso", 1 ] ], "effects": [ { "id": "bleed", "duration": 50000, "bp": "torso" } ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s bit your torso with hemorrhage!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s bit <npcname>'s torso with hemorrhage!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s tries to bite your torso, but fails to penetrate your armor!", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s tries to bite <npcname>'s torso, but fails to penetrate their armor!" }, { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "leechpoisonousinject", "cooldown": 15, "move_cost": 200, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "cut", "amount": 3, "armor_multiplier": 0.6 }, { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 2, "armor_multiplier": 0.5 } ], "effects": [ { "id": "leechpoison", "duration": 1350 } ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s weakens you!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s weakens <npcname>!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s tries to inject you, but fails to pierce your armor.", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s tries to inject <npcname>, but fails." }, { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "leechvenomousinject", "cooldown": 15, "move_cost": 200, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "cut", "amount": 4, "armor_multiplier": 0.7 }, { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 3, "armor_multiplier": 0.6 } ], "effects": [ { "id": "leechvenom", "duration": 2650 } ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s badly weakens you!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s weakens <npcname> badly!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s tries to inject you, but fails to pierce your armor.", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s tries to inject <npcname>, but fails." }, { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "spikeroll", "cooldown": 30, "move_cost": 300, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 9, "armor_penetration": 15, "armor_multiplier": 0.5 }, { "damage_type": "cut", "amount": 8, "armor_penetration": 13, "armor_multiplier": 0.7 } ], "effects": [ { "id": "downed", "duration": 4 }, { "id": "stunned", "duration": 2 } ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s rolls through you!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s rolls through <npcname>!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s rolled through you, but fails to penetrate your armor!", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s rolls through <npcname>, but fails to penetrate their armor!" }, { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "spinbite", "cooldown": 50, "move_cost": 500, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "cut", "amount": 15, "armor_penetration": 30, "armor_multiplier": 0.8 } ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s drills your flesh!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s drilled <npcname>'s flesh!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s drilled you, but fails to penetrate your armor!", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s drilled <npcname>, but fails to penetrate their armor!" }, { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "sucking", "cooldown": 25, "move_cost": 1000, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "cut", "amount": 3, "armor_penetration": 20, "armor_multiplier": 0.5 } ], "body_parts": [ [ "torso", 1 ] ], "effects": [ { "id": "bleed", "duration": 100, "bp": "torso" }, { "id": "grabbed", "duration": 100, "bp": "torso" }, { "id": "stunned", "duration": 5 } ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s is sucking your torso!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s is sucking <npcname>'s torso!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s tries to suck your torso, but fails to penetrate your armor!", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s tries to suck <npcname>'s torso, but fails to penetrate their armor!" }, { "type": "monster_attack", "attack_type": "melee", "id": "tentaclebones", "cooldown": 10, "move_cost": 100, "damage_max_instance": [ { "damage_type": "cut", "amount": 3, "armor_multiplier": 0.5 }, { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 13, "armor_multiplier": 0.5 } ], "body_parts": [ [ "head", 3 ], [ "eyes", 2 ], [ "mouth", 1 ], [ "torso", 4 ], [ "arm_l", 3 ], [ "arm_r", 3 ], [ "hand_l", 2 ], [ "hand_r", 2 ], [ "leg_l", 3 ], [ "leg_r", 3 ], [ "foot_l", 2 ], [ "foot_r", 2 ] ], "hit_dmg_u": "The %1$s tentacle bones stabs you!", "hit_dmg_npc": "The %1$s tentacle bones stabs <npcname>!", "no_dmg_msg_u": "The %1$s stabs you with tentacle bones, but fails to penetrate your armor.", "no_dmg_msg_npc": "The %1$s stabs <npcname> with tentacle bones, but fails to penetrate their armor." } ]