    "//": "Subgoals that you may want to complete or to keep you in the bay for moments.",
    "id": "VAMP_UNDERCOMMANDO_quest1",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Collect blood" },
    "description": "Collect 7.5 L of <color_light_red>human blood</color>.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_NULL",
    "difficulty": 0,
    "value": 100000,
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "followup": "VAMP_UNDERCOMMANDO_quest2",
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "This errand needs you.",
      "offer": "Blood... Our original source of sustenance. Even I have almost forgotten its taste. I'd like to drink some again. Bring me 7.5 L worth, and in case you need it more clear, it must be human blood.",
      "accepted": "Okay, descendant. This won't be hard. Take your time.",
      "rejected": "If you just let me shoot your chest, this will be done rather easily.",
      "advice": "If you aren't up for murdering someone, go find a blood drawing kit and take your own.",
      "inquire": "Blood? You have the blood?",
      "success": "This blood will certainly are useful. Thanks for the treat, descendant.",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "*grins*",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_UNDERCOMMANDO_quest2",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Destroy 15 small leeches" },
    "description": "Destroy 15 <color_light_red>small leeches</color>, then deliver the <color_light_red>teeth</color> to the commando as proof.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_NULL",
    "difficulty": 2,
    "value": 200000,
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "followup": "VAMP_UNDERCOMMANDO_quest3",
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "I want you to slay something...",
      "offer": "You may have encountered the bloodsucking leeches of the swamp. They are becoming a problem to animals, including humans, nearby their dens. Destroy 15 of them and bring their teeth as proof to complete this trial.",
      "accepted": "Slay them in any way you want.",
      "rejected": "It's just okay.",
      "advice": "They are blind, and thus totally reliant on scent and sound to hunt.",
      "inquire": "Got 'em?",
      "success": "Nice work, I guess they won't bother us for a long time.",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "*slurping*",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_UNDERCOMMANDO_quest3",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Slay the \"Thing\"" },
    "description": "Slay the <color_magenta>giant \"Thing\"</color>, then deliver the <color_light_red>blood sac</color> to the commando as proof.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_NULL",
    "difficulty": 10,
    "value": 300000,
    "start": {
      "assign_mission_target": { "om_terrain": "bloodhole", "om_special": "bhole", "reveal_radius": 1, "search_range": 50, "z": 0 },
      "update_mapgen": {
        "place_item": [ { "item": "bigbloodrune", "x": 13, "y": 13 } ],
        "place_monster": [ { "monster": "mon_insect_devourerleech", "x": 13, "y": 13, "target": true } ]
    "followup": "VAMP_UNDERCOMMANDO_quest4",
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "This will be pretty risky for you... Are you still going to do it?",
      "offer": "There is a peculiar cave with vast blood residue in it and I think its their gathering place. This giant \"thing\" on the depths, you'll need to bring it down as my command.",
      "accepted": "Bring its blood sac, that would be a nice prize taking it down and as a proof of succeeding this test.",
      "rejected": "Gather your courage first.",
      "advice": "It is blind and very slow, slower than a human snail, but it'll either devour you and cause deadly injuries if you get near it... Now get going!",
      "inquire": "Killed it?",
      "success": "Damn kid, that's the mess you wanted to get. And you are still alive after that!",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "Ummm... I want to shoot you.",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_UNDERCOMMANDO_quest4",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Kill zombies" },
    "description": "Kill 200 <color_light_red>zombies</color>.",
    "difficulty": 5,
    "value": 400000,
    "monster_species": "ZOMBIE",
    "monster_kill_goal": 200,
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "end": { "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "commandotestdone" } },
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "This is the final test I can give you... Still want to try?",
      "offer": "I've heard that these \"blobs\" was the cause of all troubles and horrifying events worldwide. As my command, eliminate 200 of these walking corpses to succeed... Later on, I will tell you something after this.",
      "accepted": "Prepare yourself before jumping into this mess.",
      "rejected": "Just prepare yourself for this job.",
      "advice": "Visit some heavily crowded areas.",
      "inquire": "How is the hunt going?",
      "success": "Hmm... HE appreciates your doings, my comrade. I thank you for your assistance and giving your precious time dealing with these requests I have made for you...",
      "success_lie": "What good does this do us?",
      "failure": "It was a lost cause anyways..."
    "id": "VAMP_LONELY_quest1",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Collect blood" },
    "description": "Gather 3.75 L <color_light_red>human blood</color>.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_NULL",
    "difficulty": 0,
    "value": 100000,
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "followup": "VAMP_LONELY_quest2",
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "I want you for this errand.",
      "offer": "Did you know we have been supplementing our blood supply with synthetic blood for decades? This turned out to be a good decision for us considering the current situation. Now, I want you to collect some human blood, either yours or not... a gallon, I suppose that will satisfy my pleasure for the taste once again.",
      "accepted": "You better do this. Sinking my fangs onto your flimsy neck is indeed fatal.",
      "rejected": "Talk to me again later if you want to help me.",
      "advice": "Murder someone if you are desperate to collect some.",
      "inquire": "Did you get my drinks?",
      "success": "Fantastic work, mortal.",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "*smilesatyou*",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_LONELY_quest2",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Take down elder zombies" },
    "description": "Slay 10 <color_magenta>elder zombies</color>.",
    "difficulty": 3,
    "value": 300000,
    "monster_species": "ELDERZED",
    "monster_kill_goal": 10,
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "followup": "VAMP_LONELY_quest3",
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "This is a little harder...",
      "offer": "This crypt was built long ago, the dead interred since before I began to reside here. Much to my surprise, they were recently resurrected with some form of \"magic\". I want you to locate 10 of them and give the hollow vessels their eternal rest.",
      "accepted": "Good. Now go outside and look for them.",
      "rejected": "Come back later.",
      "advice": "Their blood has calcified into a shell from their age, making them distinctive in appearance. Don't expect to find them around any modern era cemetary.",
      "inquire": "Now?",
      "success": "I knew you can do it...",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "*glares*",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_LONELY_quest3",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Bring a bloodrune" },
    "description": "Obtain a <color_light_red>bloodrune</color>.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_NULL",
    "difficulty": 5,
    "value": 400000,
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "followup": "VAMP_LONELY_quest4",
    "//": "Locating a blended overmap in a world would take forever, so we WILL set a pedestal in random distances. RNG is your enemy here.",
    "start": {
      "assign_mission_target": {
        "om_terrain": "bloodrune_pedestal",
        "om_special": "Pedestal - Bloodrune",
        "reveal_radius": 1,
        "search_range": 180,
        "z": 0
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "This is a bit hard for you. You still want to try?",
      "offer": "Bloodrune... The vampire's eternal soul. Few of us night creatures crystalize into one upon death, though most vampires survive long enough for it to be a possiblity.\nIn the dark days, bloodrunes were set in pedestal by past civilizations, and said that their \"god\" would accept it as an offering, which is not true. Get this rune for me, so I can honor that soul in the proper way.",
      "accepted": "Good.",
      "rejected": "Just do it later on.",
      "advice": "A vampire's death is an event to celebrate to those ancient jerks. Well, it is their belief that can't be bothered in any way.",
      "inquire": "Got it?",
      "success": "I thank you for this bloodrune.\n*Shatters it by hand*\n",
      "success_lie": "Just thanks...",
      "failure": "*smirks*",
      "failure_lie": "I shouldn't believe you with this."
    "id": "VAMP_LONELY_quest4",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Take Vampire to the Cove" },
    "description": "Escort the vampire to the <color_light_blue>Vampire Cove</color>.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_GO_TO_TYPE",
    "difficulty": 2,
    "value": 500000,
    "destination": "vampcave_corridor1",
    "start": {
      "assign_mission_target": { "om_terrain": "vampcave_entrance", "om_special": "Vampire Cove", "reveal_radius": 3, "search_range": 180, "z": 0 },
      "effect": [ "follow_only" ]
    "end": { "effect": [ "stop_following", { "npc_add_trait": "isolatedtestsdone" } ] },
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "This is the last job, you want to do it?",
      "offer": "Since you've been helping me for a while, I will need you to travel with me to the vampire cove. Being isolated for centuries is a rewarding experience, but seeing a living community of my kind should rejuvinate my frozen body the most.",
      "accepted": "Good, those tests proved yourself a good descendant. As a reward, I'll protect you along the way.",
      "rejected": "Just okay, get back later...",
      "advice": "This may be a long journey. You know I'm a night creature, so you'll have to shield me during in daytime.",
      "inquire": "What?",
      "success": "I see my kindred are doing well. This does matter to me, and you've been the key to this. Thank you, descendant.",
      "success_lie": "Just thanks...",
      "failure": "*smirks*",
      "failure_lie": "I better have killed you, mortal."
    "id": "VAMP_UNDERTRADER_quest",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Kill the Infected Vampires" },
    "description": "Kill the <color_magenta>infected vampires</color>, then return their <color_light_red>corrupted bloodrune stones</color> to the trader as proof.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_NULL",
    "difficulty": 3,
    "value": 100000,
    "item": "corruptbloodrune",
    "count": 2,
    "start": {
      "assign_mission_target": { "om_terrain": "vampcave_corridor2", "om_special": "Vampire Cove", "reveal_radius": 1, "search_range": 180, "z": -1 }
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "followup": "VAMP_UNDERTRADER_quest2",
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "Well, actually we have a problem...",
      "offer": "Our kin isn't normally vulnerable to disease, but those 2 vampires at the back, they really look bad and have become feral, so we caged them as soon as it was clear they had contracted something... Never knew that magic was strong enough to kill EVEN us. I want you to pur an end to the sick vampires and get their corrupted bloodrunes. We know we can dispose them easily, but our traditions forbid us from killing our own kind.",
      "accepted": "Thank you, now go.",
      "rejected": "You need to do that later.",
      "advice": "Expect some serious pain after you enter their cage.",
      "inquire": "What happened there?",
      "success": "Great, mortal. This oozing bloodrune will now meet its place... Or not at all.",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "*glaressharply*",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_UNDERTRADER_quest2",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Slay bats" },
    "description": "Kill 10 <color_magenta>vampire bats</color>.",
    "difficulty": 2,
    "value": 200000,
    "monster_species": "VAMPBAT",
    "monster_kill_goal": 10,
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "end": { "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "undertradertestsdone" } },
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "We do appreciate your assistance with our needs.",
      "offer": "Vampire bats have become a threat to anything filled with blood these days, even going so far as to prey on vampires. I want you to reduce their numbers by hunting down 10 of these vermin.",
      "accepted": "Good. Come back anytime you want.",
      "rejected": "I guess you're afraid of bats...",
      "advice": "Bats are nocturnal, and tends to live in dark places like caves.",
      "inquire": "How is the hunt going?",
      "success": "Thank you for your help in eradicating some bloodsuckers.",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "*glaressharply*",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_UNDERSEEKER_quest1",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Go to a forgotten burial site" },
    "description": " Travel to a <color_light_blue>burial site</color>.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_GO_TO_TYPE",
    "difficulty": 1,
    "value": 200000,
    "destination": "gravesite1",
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "start": {
      "effect": [ "follow" ],
      "assign_mission_target": {
        "om_terrain": "gravesite1",
        "om_special": "Gravesite - Wild",
        "reveal_radius": 1,
        "search_range": 90,
        "min_distance": 10,
        "must_see": false,
        "z": 0
      "update_mapgen": { "place_monsters": [ { "monster": "GROUP_CRYPTIES", "x": [ 0, 23 ], "y": [ 0, 23 ], "density": 0.25 } ] }
    "followup": "VAMP_UNDERSEEKER_quest2",
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "Before we go, the trader asked me a request on this journey.",
      "offer": "The trader told me to observe the old graveyards we knew from the past. So before we go to the outskirts, we'll get pass through it first.",
      "accepted": "Off we go, mortal.",
      "rejected": "Well, that's your choice...",
      "advice": "Its been a long time since I see those graves...",
      "inquire": "What now?",
      "success": "The magic took over the buried corpses? That's unfortunate and the trader would be disappointed about this...",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "*glaressharply*",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_UNDERSEEKER_quest2",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Go to the wasteland outskirts" },
    "description": "Along with the seeker, travel to the <color_light_blue>wasteland outskirts</color>.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_GO_TO_TYPE",
    "difficulty": 2,
    "value": 400000,
    "destination": "wo5",
    "start": {
      "effect": [ "follow" ],
      "assign_mission_target": { "om_terrain": "wo5", "om_special": "Wasteland Outskirts", "reveal_radius": 5, "search_range": 180, "z": 0 }
    "end": { "effect": [ "leave", { "u_add_trait": "underseekerdone" } ] },
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "Are we ready for this trip?",
      "offer": "We are now going to the outskirts, and I know the commando told you about this place.",
      "accepted": "Good. Now off we go, mortal.",
      "rejected": "...",
      "advice": "I'll give you some details about the outskirts. It is a large structure with barricaded walls and tents placed outside for human survivors. It also has a barn and farm fields that provides descent food, and shopkeepers sell various stuff there.",
      "inquire": "What?",
      "success": "\"What else could I do for you\" you say? Don't worry, I have no more requests for you. Ask anyone here if you're curious. When you're done, talk to me.",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "Ummm....",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_WS2_quest1",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Recruit Radio Specialist" },
    "description": "Ask the <color_yellow>Radio Specialist</color> to join.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_RECRUIT_NPC",
    "difficulty": 2,
    "value": 100000,
    "start": {
      "assign_mission_target": { "om_terrain": "radio_tower", "om_special": "Radio Tower", "reveal_radius": 2, "search_range": 90, "z": 0 },
      "update_mapgen": { "place_npcs": [ { "class": "HUMAN_RADIOSPEC", "x": 10, "y": 10, "target": true } ] }
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "followup": "VAMP_WS2_quest2",
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "It's easy, I think...",
      "offer": "First things first, we have to build a radio tower that transmit signals to our fellow survivors out in the wilds which serves as their waypoint to our place. Well, building that cheap structure is simple, but what I want you to do is to find a person with expertise to operate this kind of stuff.",
      "accepted": "Great. Now move, mortal.",
      "rejected": "Great! Let this survivors die out of nowhere then...",
      "advice": "Just bring them in safely.",
      "inquire": "Where are they?",
      "success": "I knew you can bring one. Now let this nerd go to work!",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "*glares*",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_WS2_quest2",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Slay the succumbed vampire" },
    "description": "Kill the <color_magenta>succumbed vampire</color>.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_KILL_MONSTER",
    "difficulty": 10,
    "value": 100000,
    "start": {
      "assign_mission_target": {
        "om_terrain": "cabin",
        "om_special": "Cabin",
        "reveal_radius": 3,
        "search_range": 90,
        "min_distance": 30,
        "must_see": false,
        "z": 0
      "update_mapgen": { "place_monster": [ { "monster": "mon_zombie_succumbvampire", "x": 11, "y": 11, "target": true } ] }
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "It's easy, I think...",
      "offer": "With the radio working well, we will be able to connect to the outsiders and hope for them to receive our message. Yet there's this vampire I am worried about, wandering the cursed lands and wicked to its vile nature. Our scouting patrol knows the coordinates, and I want you to put it down immediately before it brings wrath to other survivors.",
      "accepted": "With it wielding the power of an immortal, provoking unprepared is a suicidal act.",
      "rejected": "The monster does not rest after a kill...",
      "advice": "Bring guns and keep your distance, us vampires will take down humans for almost instantly.",
      "inquire": "Is it dead?",
      "success": "Fascinating job mortal! With its death, others will be safe... A bit.",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "*glares*",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_WS2_quest3",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Destroy the vampirus" },
    "description": "With the help of the <color_yellow>seeker</color>, locate and destroy the <color_light_blue>vampirus</color>, the place where <color_magenta>infected vampires</color> gather.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_CONDITION",
    "goal_condition": { "u_has_trait": "wsg2vampirusdone" },
    "difficulty": 10,
    "value": 100000,
    "start": { "effect": { "u_add_trait": "wsg2vampirushelp" } },
    "end": { "effect": { "u_lose_trait": "wsg2vampirushelp" } },
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "It's easy, I think...",
      "offer": "Unfortunately, that vampire is not alone.\n\nI have recently received a radio message that reveals the pinpoint location of the gathering place owned by those infected vampires. Your task is to find a way to stop and annihilate the entire army of them. I told the seeker about it and she'll help you infiltrate your objective.",
      "accepted": "Good. Just remind her about it and she'll provide the essential information.",
      "rejected": "Alright then, let's talk about it again later...",
      "advice": "Be aware. If alone is dangerous, more so when they're dozen.",
      "inquire": "Report?",
      "success": "Unbelievable! You did it, mortal! Our master would be grateful of your doings!",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "*glares*",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_UNDERSEEKER_quest_vampirus1",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Travel to the vampirus" },
    "description": "Along with the seeker, travel to the <color_light_blue>vampirus</color>.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_GO_TO_TYPE",
    "difficulty": 1,
    "value": 1000,
    "destination": "vampirus",
    "start": {
      "effect": [ "follow_only" ],
      "assign_mission_target": {
        "om_terrain": "vampirus",
        "om_special": "Vampirus",
        "reveal_radius": 3,
        "search_range": 180,
        "min_distance": 30,
        "must_see": false,
        "z": 0
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "followup": "VAMP_UNDERSEEKER_quest_vampirus2",
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "Are we ready for this trip?",
      "offer": "We are now going to the outskirts, and I know the commando told you about this place.",
      "accepted": "Lead the trail, I'm right behind if you require my assistance.",
      "rejected": "...",
      "advice": "Keep an eye out for possible threats along the way.",
      "inquire": "Are we in our destination?",
      "success": "Now that we're here, we have to locate the entrance that leads to the depths.",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "Ummm....",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "VAMP_UNDERSEEKER_quest_vampirus2",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Unseal the entrance" },
    "description": "Protect the seeker from the <color_magenta>zeds</color> attracted to your location.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_CONDITION",
    "goal_condition": {
      "and": [ { "u_has_trait": "underseekerhelpvampirusunseal" }, { "not": { "npc_has_effect": "underseeker_unsealing" } } ]
    "difficulty": 1,
    "value": 1000,
    "start": {
      "effect": [
        { "u_add_trait": "underseekerhelpvampirusunseal" },
        { "npc_add_effect": "underseeker_unsealing", "duration": 100 },
        { "mapgen_update": "vampirus_attracted", "origin_npc": true, "offset_x": 2 },
        { "mapgen_update": "vampirus_attracted", "origin_npc": true, "offset_x": 1, "offset_y": -2 },
        { "mapgen_update": "vampirus_attracted", "origin_npc": true, "offset_x": -2 },
        { "mapgen_update": "vampirus_attracted", "origin_npc": true, "offset_x": -1, "offset_y": 2 },
        { "mapgen_update": "vampirus_attracted", "origin_npc": true, "offset_y": 2 },
        { "mapgen_update": "vampirus_attracted", "origin_npc": true, "offset_y": -2 }
    "end": {
      "effect": [
        { "u_add_trait": "underseekerhelpvampirus_enter" },
        { "mapgen_update": "vampirus_unsealing", "origin_npc": true }
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "...",
      "offer": "Yes, I can unseal it at this point.",
      "accepted": "I do not guarantee our safety from breaking the seal, so you'll need to guard me as I break it.",
      "rejected": "...",
      "advice": "With the smell of blood coming out of the vampirus, zombies are attracted towards our location.",
      "inquire": "...",
      "success": "And now that the seal is broken, we can go through it.",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "Ummm....",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "HUMAN_RADIOSPEC_quest",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Bring Radio Specialist to the outskirts" },
    "description": "Escort the specialist to the <color_light_blue>wasteland outskirts</color>.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_GO_TO_TYPE",
    "difficulty": 1,
    "value": 10000,
    "destination": "wo5",
    "start": {
      "assign_mission_target": { "om_terrain": "wo5", "reveal_radius": 2, "search_range": 80 },
      "effect": [ "follow_only", { "u_add_trait": "wrsgoing" } ],
      "update_mapgen": {
        "om_terrain": "wo5",
        "om_special": "Wasteland Outskirts",
        "place_nested": [ { "chunks": [ "wasteland_radio_tower" ], "x": 0, "y": 0 } ]
    "end": { "effect": [ "stop_following", { "npc_change_faction": "wastelander" }, { "u_add_trait": "wrsdone" } ] },
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "We're going, right?",
      "offer": "We have to go to that place and I need you to lead the way.",
      "accepted": "Just remember to keep everything fine as we go there.",
      "rejected": "Well, your words are useless...",
      "advice": "From what direction did you came from? I suppose that's the right way.",
      "inquire": "What?",
      "success": "This place looks neat! Now that I'm here, I'll do my job as you have said earlier.",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "Ummm....",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "id": "HUMAN_VAΜPRISON_quest",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Bring Prisoner to the outskirts" },
    "description": "Take the prisoner to the <color_light_blue>wasteland outskirts</color>.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_GO_TO_TYPE",
    "difficulty": 3,
    "value": 30000,
    "destination": "wo3",
    "start": { "assign_mission_target": { "om_terrain": "wo3", "reveal_radius": 2, "search_range": 80 }, "effect": [ "follow" ] },
    "end": { "effect": [ "leave", { "npc_change_faction": "wastelander" } ] },
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_SECONDARY" ],
    "has_generic_rewards": false,
    "dialogue": {
      "describe": "We're going, right?",
      "offer": "Lead me to that place, then...",
      "accepted": "Awesome!",
      "rejected": "Well, atleast you've made me happy before my fate...",
      "advice": "You need my advice for this? I could say something if I'm already free in the wilderness...",
      "inquire": "What?",
      "success": "Damn! This place is like a fortress! But you should've warned me about the vampires living here... They freak me out everytime I see one...",
      "success_lie": "Well, thank you. *smirks*",
      "failure": "Ummm....",
      "failure_lie_": "Do not lie!"
    "//": "Missions obtained from starting with the 'Vampire Wannabe' scenario.",
    "id": "SCEN_FIND_CRYPT",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Reach a memorial crypt" },
    "description": "Travel to a <color_light_blue>memorial crypt</color> then inspect its surroundings.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_GO_TO_TYPE",
    "destination": "crypt1_b1",
    "difficulty": 1,
    "value": 0,
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_GAME_START" ],
    "start": {
      "assign_mission_target": { "om_terrain": "crypt1", "om_special": "Memorial Crypt", "reveal_radius": 2, "search_range": 90, "z": 0 }
    "//": "From this mission, players will start to progress little by little, by showing quest related structures.",
    "id": "SCEN_RECRUIT_VAMP",
    "type": "mission_definition",
    "name": { "str": "Dark Descendant" },
    "description": "Ask a <color_yellow>lone vampire</color> to join your party.\nYou must earn their trust by doing their favor.",
    "goal": "MGOAL_RECRUIT_NPC",
    "recruit_class ": [ "VAMP_LONELY_M", "VAMP_LONELY_F" ],
    "difficulty": 10,
    "value": 0,
    "origins": [ "ORIGIN_GAME_START" ]