    "//": "Check if the player is a vampire, not busy, and in person with a follower.",
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "responses": [
        "text": "*Consider drinking their blood*",
        "condition": { "and": [
          { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP" },
          { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP" } },
          { "not": "is_by_radio" },
          { "not": "u_driving" },
          { "not": "npc_driving" }
        ] },
        "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_MENU_ALLY"
    "//": "Check if the player is a vampire, not busy, and in person with a friendly or neutral npc.",
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "responses": [
        "text": "*Consider drinking their blood*",
        "condition": { "and": [
          { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP" },
          { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP" } },
          { "not": "is_by_radio" },
          { "not": "u_driving" },
          { "not": "npc_driving" }
        ] },
    "//": "Check if the player is a vampire, not busy, and in person with a wary or scared npc.",
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "responses": [
        "text": "No, these are my feeding grounds!",
        "condition": { "and": [
          { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP" },
          { "not": "is_by_radio" },
          { "not": "u_driving" },
          { "not": "npc_driving" }
        ] },
        "trial": { "type": "INTIMIDATE", "difficulty": 20 },
          "success": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "flee" },
          "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
    "//": "Check if the player is a vampire, not busy, and in person with a near-hostile npc.",
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "responses": [
        "text": "No, these are my feeding grounds!",
       "condition": { "and": [
          { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP" },
          { "not": "is_by_radio" },
          { "not": "u_driving" },
          { "not": "npc_driving" }
        ] },
        "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile"
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "What is it?",
    "//": "The mutually-exclusive trait queries look identical on purpose for role-playing reasons.",
    "responses": [
        "text": "Would you mind sharing some of your blood?",
        "//": "blood dolls willingly give blood if they are healthy, even if they have traits that would normally refuse.",
        "condition": { "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_BLOODDOLL" },
        "trial": {
          "type": "CONDITION",
          "condition": {
            "not": {
              "or": [
                { "npc_need": "thirst", "amount": 125 },
                { "npc_need": "hunger", "amount": 150 },
                { "npc_need": "fatigue", "amount": 200 },
                { "npc_has_effect": "vamp_given_blood" }
        "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BLOODDOLL_ACCEPT" },
        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BLOODDOLL_REFUSE" }
        "text": "Would you mind sharing some of your blood?",
        "//": "vampires will refuse and possibly attack you for merely being asked to give blood.",
        "condition": { "npc_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP" },
        "trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 15, "mod": [ [ "TRUST", 6 ], [ "VALUE", 2 ], [ "ANGER", -6 ] ] },
        "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_VAMPIRE_REFUSE", "opinion": { "trust": -2, "anger": 2 } },
        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_VAMPIRE_ATTACK" }
        "text": "Would you mind sharing some of your blood?",
        "//": "humans with vampire hostile traits will refuse and possibly attack you for merely being asked to give blood.",
        "condition": {
          "and": [
            { "not":
              { "npc_has_any_trait": [
              ] }
            { "npc_has_any_trait": [
            ] }
        "trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 15, "mod": [ [ "TRUST", 6 ], [ "VALUE", 2 ], [ "ANGER", -6 ] ] },
        "success": {
          "opinion": { "trust": -1, "anger": 1 },
          "effect": [ { "npc_add_trait": "VAMP_BLOODDRINK_REFUSED" } ]
        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BADTRAIT_ATTACK" }
        "text": "Would you mind sharing some of your blood?",
        "//": "allied humans need to be convinced to give blood.",
        "condition": {
          "and": [
            { "not":
              { "npc_has_any_trait": [
              ] }
            { "not":
              { "npc_has_any_trait": [
              ] }
            { "not":
              { "or": [
                { "npc_need": "thirst", "amount": 125 },
                { "npc_need": "hunger", "amount": 150 },
                { "npc_need": "fatigue", "amount": 200 },
                { "npc_has_effect": "vamp_given_blood" },
                { "npc_has_effect": "vamp_refused_blood" }
              ] }
        "trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 15, "mod": [ [ "TRUST", 6 ], [ "VALUE", 2 ], [ "ANGER", -6 ] ] },
        "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_ALLY_ACCEPT" },
        "failure": {
          "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_ALLY_REFUSE",
          "effect": { "npc_add_effect": "vamp_refused_blood", "duration": 172800, "intensity": 1 }
        "text": "Would you mind sharing some of your blood?",
        "//": "non-allied humans need to be convinced to give blood.",
        "condition": {
          "and": [
            { "not":
              { "npc_has_any_trait": [
              ] }
            { "not":
              { "npc_has_any_trait": [
              ] }
            { "not":
              { "or": [
                { "npc_need": "thirst", "amount": 125 },
                { "npc_need": "hunger", "amount": 150 },
                { "npc_need": "fatigue", "amount": 200 },
                { "npc_has_effect": "vamp_given_blood" },
                { "npc_has_effect": "vamp_refused_blood" }
              ] }
            { "not": "npc_following" }
        "trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 20, "mod": [ [ "TRUST", 6 ], [ "VALUE", 2 ], [ "ANGER", -6 ] ] },
        "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_FRIENDLY_ACCEPT" },
        "failure": {
          "opinion": { "trust": -1, "anger": 1 },
          "effect": { "npc_add_effect": "vamp_refused_blood", "duration": 172800, "intensity": 1 }
        "text": "Would you mind sharing some of your blood?",
        "//": "humans aren't willing to give blood when they are not healthy enough.",
        "condition": {
          "and": [
            { "not":
              { "npc_has_any_trait": [
              ] }
            { "not":
              { "npc_has_any_trait": [
              ] }
            { "or": [
              { "npc_need": "thirst", "amount": 125 },
              { "npc_need": "hunger", "amount": 150 },
              { "npc_need": "fatigue", "amount": 200 },
              { "npc_has_effect": "vamp_given_blood" },
              { "npc_has_effect": "vamp_refused_blood" }
            ] }
        "trial": {
          "type": "CONDITION",
          "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_effect": "vamp_refused_blood" } }
        "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_ALLY_REFUSE_LATER" },
        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_ALLY_REFUSE_ASKLATER" }
        "text": "*Forcefully take blood*",
        "//": "Take blood by force. Vampires.",
        "condition": { "npc_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP" },
        "text": "*Forcefully take blood*",
        "//": "Take blood by force. Mutants with traits that make biting them a bad idea. Cut/Stab Armour 5 or higher, acid, spines, but not poison.",
        "condition": { "and": [
          { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP" } },
          { "npc_has_any_trait": [
          ] }
        ] },
        "text": "*Forcefully take blood*",
        "//": "Take blood by force. Humans.",
        "condition": { "and": [
          { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP" } },
          { "not": { "npc_has_any_trait": [
          ] } }
        ] },
      { "text": "*You decide to talk more instead.*", "topic": "TALK_NONE" },
      { "text": "*You decide not to.*", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "I would love to. Mmmm~",
    "//": "A blood doll is happy to provide blood. Recover hunger and thirst and heal damage. blood doll takes damage and gain morale or dies.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "*You bite their neck, careful not to cause permanent damage*", "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BLOODDOLL_ACCEPT_LIVE" },
      { "text": "*You bite their neck, losing yourself to the hunger*", "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BLOODDOLL_ACCEPT_DIE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": {
        "npc_following": "Ah...Ahn♪ Oh Mistress, that feels so...good...",
        "no": "Ah...Ahn♪ That feels so...good..."
    "speaker_effect": {
      "effect": [
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "npc_add_effect": "vamp_given_blood", "duration": 172800, "intensity": 2 }
    "responses": [
        "text": "*You drink of their blood until you are both sated*",
        "trial": {
          "type": "CONDITION",
          "condition": { "not": "npc_following" }
        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "//": "Non-allied blood dolls desire to join any vampire that indulges their twisted pleasure.",
    "dynamic_line": "Dark one, would you accept me into your care? I will obey your commands and happily give my blood myself whenever I am able.",
        "responses": [
          { "text": "Very well, you shall belong to me from now on.",
            "effect": "follow",
            "opinion": { "trust": 5, "value": 10 }
          { "text": "A tempting offer, but I must decline.", "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BLOODDOLL_ACCEPT_LIVE_JOIN_REFUSE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Yes, Mistress. I will serve you loyally.",
        "responses": [
          { "text": "I am sure you will.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "You won't have me? Darn. Well, my offer stands in case you change your mind.",
        "responses": [
          { "text": "Perhaps. Farewell.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Ah...Ahn♪ Oh Mistress, that feels so...good...st-stop, you're h-hurting...m...",
    "//": "The npc dies, and player should receive a large morale and player faction reputation nerf for murdering a follower.",
    "speaker_effect": {
      "effect": [
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
    "responses": [
      { "text": "*You drink of their blood until their heart stops*", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": { "u_faction_rep": -75 } }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "I long for your kiss but I am too weary right now.",
    "//": "a blood doll will refuse to give blood if they are not healthy enough.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "Another time then.", "topic": "TALK_NONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "I am not some kine you can feed on! I have half a mind to show you the seriousness of your mistake.",
    "//": "The vampire is very annoyed. You can grovel for a reduced reputation hit if they are your sire.",
    "responses": [
        "text": "I'm sorry Sire! I shouldn't have asked!",
        "condition": { "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_SIRE" },
        "trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 30 },
          "success": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "opinion": { "trust": 1, "anger": -1 } },
          "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
      { "text": "I shouldn't have asked...", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "You arrogant whelp! You think you can drink my blood! I shall kill you for your insolence!",
    "//": "The vampire is very angry. You can grovel for your life if they are your sire.",
    "responses": [
        "text": "I'm sorry Sire! I shouldn't have asked!",
        "condition": {
          "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_SIRE",
          "not": { "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_SIRE_FORGIVEN" }
        "trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 30 },
          "success": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "opinion": { "trust": -2, "anger": 2 } },
          "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
      { "text": "Not if I kill you first!", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Not a chance, vampire.",
    "//": "The human is very annoyed.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "I shouldn't have asked...", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "I'll never let some monster have my blood. I'll kill you, vampire!",
    "//": "The human is very angry.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "Not if I kill you first!", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Hmmm, alright. Just make certain to only take a little.",
    "//": "a human was convinced to provide blood. Recover hunger and thirst and heal damage. human takes damage or dies.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "*You bite their neck, careful not to cause permanent damage*", "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_ALLY_ACCEPT_LIVE" },
      { "text": "*You bite their neck, losing yourself to the hunger*",
        "trial": {
          "type": "CONDITION",
          "condition": { "and": [ "npc_following" ] }
        "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_ALLY_ACCEPT_DIE" },
        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_FRIENDLY_ACCEPT_DIE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": {
      "npc_has_any_trait": [
        "no": "Ah..Nnnng.",
        "yes": "Ah...Ahn♪ Oh that feels so...good......"
    "speaker_effect": {
      "effect": [
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "npc_add_effect": "vamp_given_blood", "duration": 172800, "intensity": 2 }
    "responses": [
      { "text": "*You drink of their blood until you are sated*",
        "condition": { "not":
          { "npc_has_any_trait": [
          ] }
        "topic": "TALK_DONE" },
      { "text": "*You drink of their blood until you are both sated*",
        "condition": { "npc_has_any_trait": [
        ] },
        "trial": {
          "type": "CONDITION",
          "condition": {
            "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_BLOODDOLL"
        "success": { "topic": "TALK_DONE" },
        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": [ { "npc_add_trait": "VAMP_BLOODDOLL" } ] }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": {
      "npc_has_any_trait": [
        "no": "Ah..Nnnng...st-stop, you're h-hurting...m...",
        "yes": "Ah...Ahn♪ Oh that feels so...good...st-stop, you're h-hurting...m..."
    "//": "The npc dies, and player should receive a large morale nerf for murdering a follower/friend. And a large player faction reputation nerf for murdering a follower.",
    "speaker_effect": {
      "effect": [
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
    "responses": [
      { "text": "*You drink of their blood until their heart stops*",
              "trial": {
          "type": "CONDITION",
          "condition": { "and": [ "npc_following" ] }
        "success": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": { "u_faction_rep": -75 } },
        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "I'd rather not.",
    "//": "The human is unwilling.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "Nevermind.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "I'm not feeling well enough to consider giving blood right now.",
    "//": "The human has recently given blood and will refuse to give more until recovered.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "Another time then.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "No. Maybe another time I'll consider it.",
    "//": "The human has recently refused to give blood and will refuse until more time has passed.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "Another time then.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "You arrogant whelp! You think you can steal my blood! I shall kill you for your insolence!",
    "//": "The vampire is very angry. You might be able to grovel if they are your sire.",
    "responses": [
        "text": "I'm sorry Sire!  I shouldn't have tried that!",
        "condition": { "and": [
          { "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_SIRE" },
          { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_SIRE_FORGIVEN" } }
        ] },
        "trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 30 },
          "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BY_FORCE_VAMP_GROVEL", "opinion": { "trust": -1, "anger": 1 } },
          "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
        "text": "I'm sorry Sire!  I shouldn't have tried that!",
        "condition": { "and": [
          { "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_SIRE" },
          { "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_SIRE_FORGIVEN" }
        ] },
      { "text": "Not if I kill you first!", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "I'll give you this one chance, my ungrateful progeny. Next time I won't be so forgiving!",
    "//": "The sire has decided to forgive you. This one time.",
    "speaker_effect": {
      "effect": [
        { "npc_add_trait": "VAMP_SIRE_FORGIVEN" }
    "responses": [
      { "text": "Thank you, Sire! It will never happen again.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "You had your chance! Now you will die!",
    "//": "This was your second chance.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "Not if I kill you first!", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Wh-what are you...",
    "//": "You caught your mutant companion off-guard. The vampire will get a nasty surprise for biting a mutant with biological defences. They might be able to avoid you if strong, fast, or hard to grab.",
    "responses": [
        "text": "*Attempt to bite*",
        "trial": {
          "type": "CONDITION",
          "condition": { "not":
            { "npc_has_any_trait": [
            ] }
        "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BY_FORCE_MUTANT_SUCCESS", "opinion": { "trust": -1, "anger": 1 } },
        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BY_FORCE_MUTANT_FAILURE" }
      { "text": "Huh? Nothing.", "topic": "TALK_NONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Got more with that bite than you bargained for, eh vampire? I won't let you live to try a second time!",
    "//": "The mutant npc repels the player with natural defences. The player should receive an injury, plus a large morale and player faction reputation nerf for attempting to murder a follower. Yes even if they were a xeno.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "Dammit, then I'll kill you the old fashioned way!", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": [ "hostile", { "u_faction_rep": -50 } ] }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Oh no you don't! I'll never let some monster have my blood. I'll kill you, vampire!",
    "//": "The player should receive a large morale and player faction reputation nerf for attempting to murder a follower. Yes even if they were a xeno.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "Not if I kill you first!", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": [ "hostile", { "u_faction_rep": -50 } ] }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Wh-what are you...",
    "//": "You caught your human companion off-guard. Attempt to drink them dry, though they might be able to avoid you if strong, fast, or hard to grab.",
    "responses": [
        "text": "*Attempt to bite*",
        "trial": {
          "type": "CONDITION",
          "condition": { "not":
            { "npc_has_any_trait": [
            ] }
        "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BY_FORCE_HUMAN_SUCCESS", "opinion": { "trust": -1, "anger": 1 } },
        "failure": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BY_FORCE_HUMAN_FAILURE" }
      { "text": "Huh? Nothing.", "topic": "TALK_NONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": {
      "npc_has_any_trait": [
        "no": "Ah..Nnnng...st-stop, you're h-hurting...m...",
        "yes": "Ah...Ahn♪ Oh that feels so...good...st-stop, you're h-hurting...m..."
    "//": "The npc dies, and player should receive a large morale and player faction reputation nerf for murdering a follower.",
    "speaker_effect": {
      "effect": [
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
        { "u_buy_item": "blood", "count": 2, "container": "bag_iv" },
    "responses": [
      { "text": "*You drink of their blood until their heart stops*", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": { "u_faction_rep": -75 } }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Oh no you don't! I'll never let some monster have my blood. I'll kill you, vampire!",
    "//": "The player should receive a large morale and player faction reputation nerf for attempting to murder a follower.",
    "responses": [
      { "text": "Not if I kill you first!", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": [ "hostile", { "u_faction_rep": -50 } ] }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Wh-what are you...",
    "//": "You caught the human off-guard. Drink them dry, though they might be able to avoid you if strong or fast.",
    "responses": [
        "text": "*Attempt to bite*",
        "condition": { "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_SIRE" },
        "trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 30 },
          "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BY_FORCE_FRIENDLY_1A", "opinion": { "trust": -1, "anger": 1 } },
          "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
      { "text": "Huh? Nothing.", "topic": "TALK_NONE" }
    "type": "talk_topic",
    "dynamic_line": "Wh-what are you...",
    "//": "You caught the human off-guard. Drink them dry, though they might be able to avoid you if strong or fast.",
    "responses": [
        "text": "*Attempt to bite*",
        "condition": { "npc_has_trait": "VAMP_SIRE" },
        "trial": { "type": "PERSUADE", "difficulty": 30 },
          "success": { "topic": "TALK_BLOODDRINK_BY_FORCE_FRIENDLY_2A", "opinion": { "trust": -1, "anger": 1 } },
          "failure": { "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": "hostile" }
      { "text": "Huh? Nothing.", "topic": "TALK_NONE" }