    "id": "t1_blood_transfusion",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": { "str": "Transfusion" },
    "note": "Uses MANA, just to prevent spamming.",
    "message": "You drain the lifeforce from your target!",
    "description": "Drain the life force of a target within reach.\n\nThis is a <color_light_gray>tier 1</color> spell.",
    "sound_description": "splash!",
    "sound_type": "combat",
    "sound_id": "misc",
    "sound_variant": "inhale",
    "sprite": "fd_blood",
    "spell_class": "VAMP_BLOOD_spellcaster",
    "difficulty": 1,
    "max_level": 20,
    "energy_source": "MANA",
    "base_energy_cost": 120,
    "energy_increment": -3,
    "final_energy_cost": 60,
    "effect": "target_attack",
    "extra_effects": [ { "id": "t1_blood_transfusion_spell", "hit_self": true } ],
    "valid_targets": [ "ally", "hostile" ],
    "min_damage": 1,
    "damage_increment": 1,
    "max_damage": 20,
    "damage_type": "bio",
    "min_range": 10,
    "max_range": 10,
    "base_casting_time": 100,
    "casting_time_increment": -2.5,
    "final_casting_time": 50,
    "flags": [ "NO_LEGS", "CONCENTRATE" ]
    "id": "t1_blood_bcurl",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": { "str": "Blood Curl" },
    "description": "Command the target's life force to hinder the flow of blood, greatly slowing their ability to perform any action.\n\nThis is a <color_light_gray>tier 1</color> spell.",
    "sound_id": "misc",
    "sound_variant": "inhale",
    "sprite": "fd_fatigue",
    "spell_class": "VAMP_BLOOD_spellcaster",
    "difficulty": 2,
    "max_level": 20,
    "energy_source": "MANA",
    "base_energy_cost": 180,
    "energy_increment": -4.5,
    "final_energy_cost": 90,
    "effect": "target_attack",
    "effect_str": "v_spell_bloodcurl",
    "valid_targets": [ "ally", "hostile" ],
    "min_range": 5,
    "range_increment": 0.3,
    "max_range": 10,
    "min_duration": 2000,
    "duration_increment": 400,
    "max_duration": 10000,
    "base_casting_time": 150,
    "casting_time_increment": -3.75,
    "final_casting_time": 75,
    "flags": [ "NO_LEGS", "CONCENTRATE" ]
    "id": "t1_blood_clot",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": { "str": "Clot" },
    "description": "Expend a small amount of your life force to induce rapid clotting on a body part. The clotting agents will linger for some time.\n\nThis is a <color_light_gray>tier 1</color> spell.",
    "sound_id": "misc",
    "sound_variant": "inhale",
    "sprite": "overlay_female_mutation_bio_blood_filter",
    "spell_class": "VAMP_BLOOD_spellcaster",
    "difficulty": 2,
    "max_level": 10,
    "energy_source": "HP",
    "base_energy_cost": 6,
    "energy_increment": -0.3,
    "final_energy_cost": 3,
    "effect": "target_attack",
    "effect_str": "v_spell_clot",
    "valid_targets": [ "self" ],
    "min_duration": 400,
    "duration_increment": 1000,
    "max_duration": 1000,
    "base_casting_time": 60,
    "casting_time_increment": -3,
    "final_casting_time": 30,
    "flags": [ "NO_LEGS", "CONCENTRATE" ]