    "id": "v_hemo_whip",
    "type": "GENERIC",
    "symbol": "/",
    "color": "light_red",
    "name": { "str": "blood sword" },
    "description": "A vicious dire sword, serving its owner with an unbreakable loyalty. Throbs as if it is alive, its bloodlust flows through its wielder who radiates a faint, velvet black aura.",
    "weight": "2110 g",
    "volume": "1500 ml",
    "material": [ "flesh" ],
    "techniques": [ "PRECISE", "RAPID", "WBLOCK_2" ],
    "relic_data": {
      "passive_effects": [
          "has": "WIELD",
          "condition": "ALWAYS",
          "hit_me_effect": [ { "id": "v_hemo_whip_spell_d_maybe" } ],
          "values": [ { "value": "STRENGTH", "add": 1 }, { "value": "SPEED", "add": 5 } ]
    "cutting": 22,
    "category": "weapons"
    "id": "v_hemo_crimsoncoat_coat",
    "type": "ARMOR",
    "name": { "str": "crimson coat" },
    "description": "A thick and flexible layer of blood that protects your body from harm and retaliates against attackers.",
    "weight": "3 g",
    "volume": "3 ml",
    "price": "0 cent",
    "material": [ "flesh" ],
    "coverage": 100,
    "symbol": "0",
    "color": "red",
    "relic_data": {
      "passive_effects": [
          "has": "WORN",
          "condition": "ALWAYS",
          "hit_me_effect": [ { "id": "v_hemo_crimsoncoat_coat_pr_maybe" } ],
          "values": [ { "value": "ARMOR_BASH", "add": -70 }, { "value": "ARMOR_CUT", "add": -70 }, { "value": "ARMOR_STAB", "add": -70 } ]
    "covers": [ "head", "torso", "arm_r", "arm_l", "hand_r", "hand_l", "leg_r", "leg_l", "foot_r", "foot_l" ],
    "id": "v_hemo_form_orus",
    "type": "GENERIC",
    "name": { "str": "<color_red>Blood Ascended" },
    "description": "You have become a pure avatar of blood. Now unhindered by a physical body, you are more resiient to injury and freely able to manipulate blood to your will.",
    "weight": "3 g",
    "volume": "3 ml",
    "price": "0 cent",
    "material": [ "flesh" ],
    "symbol": "0",
    "color": "red",
    "relic_data": {
      "passive_effects": [
          "has": "HELD",
          "condition": "ALWAYS",
          "hit_you_effect": [ { "id": "v_hemo_orusform_bloodling_strike_maybe" } ],
          "hit_me_effect": [ { "id": "v_hemo_orusform_bloodling_impact_maybe" } ],
          "values": [ { "value": "MAX_HP", "add": 50 } ],
          "intermittent_activation": [ { "effects": [ { "frequency": "30 seconds", "spell_effects": [ { "id": "v_hemo_orusform_bloodling" } ] } ] } ]
    "flags": [ "NO_DROP" ],
    "category": "v_form"
    "id": "v_war_etherealenchant",
    "type": "ARMOR",
    "name": { "str": "ethereal enchantment" },
    "description": "Enshrouds your wielded weapon (or even bare fists) in ghastly mists.\n* 5% to summon an <color_light_blue>etherean silhouette</color> for 15-25 turns while attacking.",
    "weight": "3 g",
    "volume": "3 ml",
    "price": "0 cent",
    "material": [ "ethereal" ],
    "coverage": 0,
    "symbol": "0",
    "color": "red",
    "relic_data": {
      "passive_effects": [
          "has": "WORN",
          "condition": "ALWAYS",
          "hit_you_effect": [ { "id": "v_war_etherealenchant_ss_maybe" } ],
          "values": [ { "value": "ITEM_DAMAGE_AP", "add": 20 }, { "value": "ATTACK_COST", "add": -15 } ]
    "covers": [ "arm_r", "arm_l" ],
    "flags": [ "AURA", "ONLY_ONE", "SEMITANGIBLE", "NO_DROP" ]