    "id": "t3_mana_darkblast",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": { "str": "Dark Blast" },
    "description": "Conjures a volatile profane magic to the targeted area then explodes, dealing <color_light_gray>pure damage</color> to the surrounding foes.\n\nThis is a <color_white>tier 3</color> spell.",
    "valid_targets": [ "hostile", "ground" ],
    "effect": "projectile_attack",
    "base_energy_cost": 275,
    "final_energy_cost": 550,
    "energy_source": "MANA",
    "spell_class": "VAMP_MANA_spellcaster",
    "difficulty": 4,
    "min_damage": 40,
    "max_damage": 80,
    "damage_increment": 2,
    "max_level": 20,
    "min_range": 6,
    "max_range": 10,
    "range_increment": 0.2,
    "min_aoe": 3,
    "max_aoe": 8,
    "flags": [ "SOMATIC", "VERBAL", "NO_LEGS" ],
    "base_casting_time": 300,
    "damage_type": "none"
    "id": "t3_mana_manasurge",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": { "str": "Mana Surge" },
    "description": "<color_yellow>Empowers</color> your body by channeling your mana.\n\nThis is a <color_white>tier 3</color> spell.",
    "valid_targets": [ "self" ],
    "effect": "target_attack",
    "effect_str": "v_spell_manasurge",
    "base_energy_cost": 225,
    "energy_source": "MANA",
    "spell_class": "VAMP_MANA_spellcaster",
    "difficulty": 3,
    "max_level": 10,
    "flags": [ "SOMATIC", "NO_LEGS" ],
    "min_duration": 3200,
    "max_duration": 12800,
    "base_casting_time": 600