[ { "id": "t6_mana_darkpillar", "type": "SPELL", "name": { "str": "Dark Pillar" }, "description": "Sky-high pillar of disastrous dark magic engulfs the foe, leaving <color_light_gray>no tracks</color> but a crater.\n* If the foe survives, it is inflicted with <color_yellow>ethereal shock</color>, slowing and dealing a maximum total of <color_light_gray>300 pure damage</color> over 10 seconds.\n\nThis is a <color_magenta>tier 6</color> spell.", "valid_targets": [ "hostile" ], "effect": "projectile_attack", "effect_str": "v_spell_darkpillar", "extra_effects": [ { "id": "t6_mana_darkpillar_bash" }, { "id": "t6_mana_darkpillar_bash" }, { "id": "t6_mana_darkpillar_bash" } ], "base_energy_cost": 5250, "energy_source": "MANA", "spell_class": "VAMP_MANA_spellcaster", "difficulty": 10, "min_damage": 2500, "max_damage": 2500, "min_range": 20, "max_range": 20, "min_duration": 1000, "max_duration": 1000, "flags": [ "SOMATIC", "VERBAL", "NO_LEGS" ], "base_casting_time": 2500, "damage_type": "none" }, { "id": "t6_mana_etherealenchantment", "type": "SPELL", "name": { "str": "Ethereal Enchantment" }, "description": "You gain an <color_light_brown>ethereal enchantment</color>, causing your attacks to feel lighter, yet strikes deeper into the inner self of your foe.\n* If worn, your attacks gain <color_light_yellow>20 armor pierce</color> and its cost is reduced by 15.\n\nThis is a <color_magenta>Tier 6</color> spell.", "valid_targets": [ "self" ], "effect": "spawn_item", "effect_str": "v_war_etherealenchant", "base_energy_cost": 500, "energy_source": "MANA", "spell_class": "VAMP_MANA_spellcaster", "difficulty": 4, "max_level": 10, "min_damage": 1, "max_damage": 1, "min_duration": 10000, "max_duration": 20000, "base_casting_time": 1000, "flags": [ "SOMATIC", "VERBAL", "NO_LEGS" ] } ]