    "id": "t7_mana_idol_vex",
    "type": "SPELL",
    "name": { "str": "Idol: <color_blue>Vex</color>" },
    "description": "Calls forth the ancient idol: <color_light_blue>Vex</color>, the etherean calamity. A deity who fulfills your desire for annihilation with its etherean prowess.\n* Once it is successfully summoned, you are affected with <color_yellow>ancient dread</color>, an enormous penalty to intelligence and movement speed.\n* This minion does not harm with brute strength, but casts one from its numerous unique, crowd-control spells.\n\nThis is a <color_pink>tier 7</color> spell.",
    "valid_targets": [ "self", "ground" ],
    "effect": "summon",
    "effect_str": "mon_idol_vex",
    "base_energy_cost": 15000,
    "energy_source": "MANA",
    "spell_class": "VAMP_MANA_spellcaster",
    "difficulty": 15,
    "max_level": 5,
    "min_damage": 1,
    "max_damage": 1,
    "min_aoe": 2,
    "max_aoe": 2,
    "min_duration": 100000,
    "max_duration": 125000,
    "base_casting_time": 12000,
    "flags": [ "SOMATIC", "VERBAL", "CONCENTRATE", "NO_LEGS" ]