Changes from vanilla:

Update the mod based on Bright Nights

Added the vampire mutations from the CRT mod.
-Renamed the mutation IDs so they no longer conflict with CRT.
Make the vamp eyes trait visible.
Fix several mutations to correctly specify they are linked to vampirism.
Added more new vampire mutations.
-Vampire Claws, Vampire Fangs, Vampire Vision, Deadened Body, Damned, Blood Drinker
Tweak the vampire npcs to use these new and modified mutations.
Buff the vampire immunity in line with what makes sense.
-Immune to viri, disease, and parasites, except for ooze and fungal.
-No need to breathe, thus immune to non-corrosive gases, drowning, asthma, and inhaled drugs.
-No pulse, thus immune to effects that may induce a heart attack.
-Immune to nutrient deficiency or thirst, as feeding on blood is enough.
-Partial immunity to non-injected drugs, including alcohol.
-Immunity to mutagens and other means of mutating.
Add several traits for roleplaying. (Sire, Thrall, etc)
Remove most of the tiered mutations. Vampirism is a single status so lesser ranks are not required.
Replace Albino and Pale with Deadened Body.
Replace Claws with Vampire Claws
Replace Fangs with Vampire Fangs.
Replace Night Vision 3 with Vampire Vision.
Replace Solar Sensitivity with Damned.
Remove PRETTY traits since Moonlit Grace.
Remove LIGHTSTEP since Moonlit Grace.
Provide mod added humans with random ethnicities and random starter mutations.
Provide mod added vampires with germanic ethnicity.

Added spellcraft skill.
Added scrolls for Hemomancer spells.
Redo the Hemomancer descriptions to be less broken english.
Rename some Hemomancer spells to sound better.
Remove the meta descriptions from the Hemomancer spells.
Make the Leech Whip into a Sword. No on hit specials, but very fast attacks.
Make the Crimson Coat cover all body parts and use the close layer.
Implement the on-attack and when-hit mechanics alluded to in the original Blood Avatar description, plus add the crimson coat retaliation on top.
Add Spellbooks by DrPariah.
Add my extra Hemomancer spells to those books.
Fix damaging spells from being described as "an explosion" via the sound_description field.
Rebalance spells again-
-Using Arcana mod Sanguine for HP spells, and Arcane for Mana spells.
-Half those HP costs, but spells level more slowly. 10 for self target, 30 for other target.
-HP cost heals become more expensive as they level, rather than less.
-Some spells just defy clear balancing.
Add spell sounds effects.
-They don't seem to work reliably when cast farther than 4 tiles from the player. :/
Move Crimson Coat to Tier 5.
Add Blood Bomb Spell to Tier 6.

Added a background story to recruited isolated vampires.

Reduce the OP nature of the blood weapons.
Add the blood weapons to appropriate vanilla martial arts.
Optimize blood ammunition into templates.

Adjust the blood backpacks in line with standard ones.
Allow blood hoods with helmets.
Fix blood sheaths to use either limb instead of both.
Fix pluralization.

New forms of Blood with recipes.
-Synthetic Blood
-Powdered Synthetic Blood
-Reconstituted Blood + Synthetic Reconstituted Blood
Add recipe for draining human corpses of blood.
Fix blood to actually be healthy and enjoyable for vampires.
Removed the blood extractor. Replace the tool requirement with chemistry 3 and food dehydrator.
Removed the blood chemistry set. Replace the tool requirement with chemistry 3.
Removed the blood infusion forge. Replace the tool requirement with a kiln. Also modify all such recipes to require concentrated blood (aka stickyblood.)
Fixed crafting times.
Replace the grave-memories item group with a new group that prefixes vampire books.
-This way the books do not drop in normal city cemeteries.
Vampire spell books may spawn in lonely vampire graveyards. Rarely.

Add synthetic blood and crafting materials to vampire merchants.
Fix vampire merchants having only one item for sale at a time.
The Undertrader now sells vampire equipment recipe books from time to time.
Wasteland junk merchant now uses the same wares group as the FMC merchant.

Can drink blood from npcs via conversation menu.
Can ghoul wary/scared npcs via conversation menu.

Change overmap names and icons of mod added maps to match to base terrain they look similar to, so they are less obvious on the world map.
-ie, vampire cove looks like a generic cave.

Add tileset references for new items.
Add extra tile for the red iris mutation.
Add extra tile for the deadened body mutation.

Add the filthy tag to mod zombies so their item drops are filthy like any other zombie.
Clean up a lot of broken english.

---Source patches
Patch the warnings upon entering gas fields vampires are immune to in the source code.
Patch underwater breathing in the source code.
Patch mutation layering for deadened body in the source.
Patch in blood drinker as an alternate metabolic rehydration mutation so vampires only need blood.
Patch in damned mutation to cause more dangerous sunlight burns for vampires.
Patch in blood drinker to be used instead of Cannibal and Carnivore.
Prevent death from heart attacks or drug overdoses.
Prevent human blood from corpses prompting offensive food warnings when vampires attempt to drink it.
Prevent human blood from corpses causing massive morale nerfs when vampires drink it.
Prevent vampires from eating non-blood items flagged as CANNIBALISM.
Patch in vampires not requiring splints to heal broken limbs.

Rebalance compacted blood material resistances due to addition of bullet damage.

Expand the vampire towns.

Change vampire replies to notice if you are a vampire.

Add more vampire dreams.

Fix the vampire immunity to apply properly.
Come up with better names for vampire fangs, vampire claws, deadened body (since it is now visible)
Fix vampires having a human skin tone in addition to to their vampire one.

Rename/redescribe spellcraft skill.
-Reusing the existing id was easier than adding an entirely new one.
-Currently an exact copy of the Magiclysm Spellcraft skill, so using both mods is fine.
Redescribe the mutations copied from CRT.
Redo the Warlock and Profane Conjurer spells and descriptions.
Add a tile for when using blood coat and blood ascension.
Get the arcana side of the mod working as well.
Add a recipe to use bloodrunes to gain access to spellcasting classes.
Add spell to simulate combat feeding.
-Find a way to drink blood in combat without spilling or requiring a container as part of it.
Figure out why blood purge fails to cleanse fungal infection.
-Only a problem in Bright Nights.
-Appears to be hardcoded in some way.
-Other antifungal effects don't remove it normally, instead they invoke iuse functions that do so.

Rebalance blood more so it won't make you fat so quickly.
-Not a problem in Bright Nights.
Finish thrall/vamp dialogue trees.
-Create a way to be embraced into a vampire.
-Create a way to embrace others into vampires.
Gate blood drink/ghoul/thrall/vamp dialogue trees behind a trait revealing you as a vampire.
Find a way to drink blood via dialogue without spilling or requiring a container as part of it.
Figure out why certain foods are still edible despite being invalid food materials:
-soy sauce

Fix or remove the vampire equipment. (Convert battery powered kits into static tools?)

Copy the arcana UDP scroll tile to this mod.

Make blood an addiction.
Make blood provide calories only for vampires.
Make blood healthy only for vampires. (Cannibals should lose health because raw food, and predators should be indifferent.)
Make blood enjoyable only for vampires. (Cannibals should lose morale because raw food, and predators should be indifferent.)
Make fire more dangerous for vampires with damned mutation.
Make spells have sound effects.
Prevent bionics from being installed on vampires, utilizing the subject is dead notice.