[ { "id": "little_maid_R18_tane", "type": "TOOL", "category": "other", "symbol": "m", "color": "white", "name": "little maid pet (seeded)", "description": "A little maid with a growing stomach. She's gently blushing and gently smiling at you. You can milk her after 28 days.", "price": 60000, "material": ["maid"], "weight": 34000, "volume": 40, "use_action": { "type": "delayed_transform", "transform_age": 403200, "not_ready_msg": "Her cheeks blush as you pet her head. She's not quite ready yet.", "msg": "The little maid is rubbing her belly lovingly. She will start producing milk soon.", "moves": 0, "target": "little_maid_R18_milk" } }, { "id": "little_maid_R18_milk", "type": "TOOL", "category": "other", "symbol": "m", "color": "white", "name": "little maid pet (milkable)", "description": "A little maid whose belly and breasts have swollen considerably. She's staring at you with lavishing eyes. You can milk her.", "price": 60000, "material": ["maid"], "weight": 36000, "volume": 45 }, { "id": "little_maid_R18_milk2", "type": "TOOL", "category": "other", "symbol": "m", "color": "white", "name": "little maid pet (milked)", "description": "A little maid who has been recently milked. She has a fulfilled expression on her face and her skin is shining. You can milk her again after 23 hours.", "price": 60000, "material": ["maid"], "weight": 36000, "volume": 45, "use_action": { "type": "delayed_transform", "transform_age": 13800, "not_ready_msg": "The little maid gently took your hand and placed it on her belly. It feels very warm...", "msg": "The little maid came close to you. She's staring at you, waiting to be milked.", "moves": 0, "target": "little_maid_R18_milk" } }, { "type" : "recipe", "result": "little_maid_R18_tane", "id_suffix": "from_little_maid_R18", "category": "CC_OTHER", "subcategory": "CSC_OTHER_TOOLS", "skill_used": "fabrication", "difficulty": 0, "time": "60 m", "flags": ["BLIND_EASY"], "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "components": [ [ [ "little_maid_R18", 1 ] ] ] }, { "type" : "COMESTIBLE", "id" : "maid_aphrodisiac", "name" : "aphrodisiac", "weight" : 322, "color" : "pink", "addiction_type" : "none", "spoils_in" : 0, "stim" : 0, "comestible_type" : "DRINK", "container": "bottle_plastic", "symbol" : "%", "quench" : 10, "healthy" : 1, "addiction_potential" : 0, "nutrition" : 10, "description" : "An aphrodisiac that raises your vitality if you drink it. If you give it to a little maid, she'll lay eggs.", "price" : 300, "material" : "veggy", "tool" : "null", "volume" : 1, "phase" : "liquid", "charges" : 1, "fun" : 20 }, { "type" : "recipe", "result": "maid_aphrodisiac", "id_suffix": "from_apple", "result_mult": 2, "category": "CC_FOOD", "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_DRINKS", "skill_used": "cooking", "difficulty": 4, "time": "10 m", "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "qualities":[{"id":"CHEM","level":1,"amount":1}], "tools": [ [ [ "hotplate", 6 ], [ "char_smoker", 1 ], [ "toolset", 6 ], [ "fire", -1 ] ] ], "components": [ [ [ "apple", 1 ], [ "pomegranate", 1 ], [ "onion", 1 ], [ "lettuce", 1 ], [ "garlic", 1 ], [ "pepper", 10 ] ], [ [ "honey_bottled", 1 ], [ "honey_glassed", 1 ], [ "honeycomb", 1 ] ], [ [ "water", 1 ], [ "water_clean", 1 ] ] ] }, { "type" : "recipe", "result": "milk", "id_suffix": "from_little_maid_R18_milk", "result_mult": 3, "byproducts": [["little_maid_R18_milk2"]], "category": "CC_FOOD", "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_DRINKS", "skill_used": "fabrication", "difficulty": 0, "time": "60 m", "flags": ["BLIND_EASY"], "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "components": [ [ [ "little_maid_R18_milk", 1 ] ] ] }, { "type" : "recipe", "result": "egg_bird", "id_suffix": "from_maid_aphrodisiac", "result_mult": 3, "category": "CC_FOOD", "subcategory": "CSC_FOOD_OTHER", "skill_used": "fabrication", "difficulty": 0, "time": "5 m", "flags": ["BLIND_EASY"], "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "tools": [ [ [ "little_maid_R18_milk", -1 ], [ "little_maid_R18_milk2", -1 ] ] ], "components": [ [ [ "maid_aphrodisiac", 1 ] ] ] }, { "type" : "mutation", "id" : "futanari", "name" : "Hermaphrodite", "points" : 0, "description" : "There are two genders in your body.", "starting_trait" : true, "valid" : false }, { "type" : "mutation", "id" : "syokusyu", "name" : "Reproductive Tentacles", "points" : 0, "description" : "Writhing tentacles that can be used in reproduction are growing in your body.", "starting_trait" : true, "valid" : false } ]