[ { "type": "COMESTIBLE", "id": "tofu_stirfry", "name": { "str_sp": "tofu stirfry" }, "weight": "135 g", "color": "yellow", "spoils_in": "4 days", "comestible_type": "FOOD", "symbol": "%", "healthy": 1, "calories": 525, "charges": 4, "description": "A tofu stirfry with rice and a sweet bold flavor sure to be on your mind through these dark days.", "price": 1200, "price_postapoc": 200, "material": [ "veggy" ], "volume": "1 L", "flags": [ "EATEN_HOT", "NUTRIENT_OVERRIDE" ], "fun": 12, "vitamins": [ [ "vitA", 2 ], [ "calcium", 7 ], [ "iron", 5 ], [ "vitC", 24 ] ] }, { "type": "COMESTIBLE", "id": "veggy_stirfry", "looks_like": "tofu_stirfry", "copy-from": "tofu_stirfry", "name": { "str": "veggy stirfry", "str_pl": "veggy stirfry" }, "description": "A vegetable stirfry with rice and a sweet bold flavor sure to be on your mind through these dark days." } ]