[{ "id": "eyedleechmouth", "type": "GUN", "name": "eyed mouth", "description": "Oddly shaped mouth of the eyed leech. Detachable teeth lining covers under it.", "weight": 10, "volume": 1, "price": 0, "to_hit": 1, "cutting": 5, "material": ["flesh"], "symbol": "i", "color": "white", "ammo": "shot", "skill": "pistol", "range": 15, "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 0, "armor_penetration": 5 }, "dispersion": 290, "sight_dispersion": 270, "recoil": 50, "durability": 10, "loudness": -50, "clip_size": 200, "reload": 75, "flags": ["NO_AMMO", "NEVER_JAMS", "NO_UNLOAD", "NO_SOUND"] }, { "id": "bloodsurgeleechmouth", "type": "GUN", "name": "blood surge mouth", "description": "Large, saggy mouth of the blood surge leech. It can spew litres of blood.", "weight": 10, "volume": 1, "price": 0, "to_hit": 1, "cutting": 5, "material": ["flesh"], "symbol": "i", "color": "white", "ammo": "shot", "skill": "smg", "range": 5, "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 0, "armor_penetration": 3 }, "modes": [ ["DEFAULT", "auto", 5] ], "dispersion": 350, "sight_dispersion": 330, "recoil": 20, "durability": 10, "loudness": -50, "clip_size": 1000, "reload": 55, "flags": ["NO_AMMO", "NEVER_JAMS", "NO_UNLOAD", "BACKFIRE", "NO_SOUND"] }, { "id": "sharpshooterleechmouth", "type": "GUN", "name": "sharpshooter mouth", "description": "Sharpshooter leech's mouth lined with sharp teeth which is detachable for ammumition.", "weight": 10, "volume": 1, "price": 0, "to_hit": 1, "cutting": 5, "material": ["flesh"], "symbol": "i", "color": "white", "ammo": "shot", "skill": "rifle", "range": 20, "ranged_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 0, "armor_penetration": 10 }, "dispersion": 295, "sight_dispersion": 275, "recoil": 245, "durability": 10, "loudness": -50, "clip_size": 200, "reload": 135, "flags": ["NO_AMMO", "NEVER_JAMS", "NO_UNLOAD", "NO_SOUND"] } ]