[ { "type": "mutation", "id": "FLEET", "name": { "str": "Fleet-Footed" }, "points": 2, "description": "You can move more quickly than most, resulting in a 15% speed bonus on sure footing.", "starting_trait": true, "changes_to": [ "FLEET2" ], "category": [ "SPIDER", "MOUSE", "VAMP" ], "types": [ "RUNNING" ], "movecost_flatground_modifier": 0.85 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "GOODHEARING", "name": { "str": "Good Hearing" }, "points": 1, "description": "Your hearing is better than average, and you can hear distant sounds more easily.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "ALPHA", "MOUSE", "ELFA", "VAMP" ], "cancels": [ "BADHEARING" ], "hearing_modifier": 1.5 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "GOODCARDIO", "name": { "str": "Indefatigable" }, "points": 2, "description": "Whether due to exercise and good diet, or due to a natural propensity to physical endurance, you tire due to physical exertion much less readily than others. Your maximum stamina and stamina regeneration is 25% higher than usual.", "starting_trait": true, "valid": false, "cancels": [ "BADCARDIO" ], "changes_to": [ "GOODCARDIO2" ], "category": [ "FISH", "LUPINE", "MOUSE", "INSECT", "VAMP" ], "max_stamina_modifier": 1.25 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "REGEN", "name": { "str": "Regeneration" }, "points": 6, "description": "Your flesh regenerates from wounds incredibly quickly.", "types": [ "HEALING" ], "prereqs": [ "FASTHEALER2" ], "category": [ "SLIME", "TROGLOBITE", "VAMP" ], "healing_awake": 2.0, "healing_resting": 1.5, "mending_modifier": 16.0 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "PAINREC3", "name": { "str": "Very Quick Pain Recovery" }, "points": 8, "description": "You recover from pain much faster than normal.", "prereqs": [ "PAINREC2" ], "category": [ "MEDICAL", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "PAINRESIST", "name": { "str": "Pain Resistant" }, "points": 2, "description": "You have a high tolerance for pain.", "starting_trait": true, "valid": false, "cancels": [ "MORE_PAIN", "MORE_PAIN2", "MORE_PAIN3" ], "category": [ "MEDICAL", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "INFRESIST", "name": { "str": "Infection Resistant" }, "points": 2, "description": "Your immune system is particularly good at resisting infections. You have an increased chance for bad wounds and infections to heal on their own, and only suffer reduced penalties from them.", "starting_trait": true, "changes_to": [ "INFIMMUNE" ], "category": [ "TROGLOBITE", "RAT", "MEDICAL", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "PARAIMMUNE", "name": { "str": "Parasite Immune" }, "points": 1, "description": "Your body is unusually inhospitable to parasitic lifeforms. You will never become infested with internal parasites.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "ELFA", "CHIMERA", "MEDICAL", "SLIME", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "INFRARED", "name": { "str": "Infrared Vision" }, "points": 5, "description": "Your eyes have mutated to pick up radiation in the infrared spectrum.", "prereqs": [ "NIGHTVISION3", "VAMP_VISION" ], "cancels": [ "LIZ_IR" ], "category": [ "INSECT", "TROGLOBITE", "SPIDER", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "DEFT", "name": { "str": "Deft" }, "points": 1, "description": "While you're not any better at melee combat, you are better at recovering from a miss, and will be able to attempt another strike faster.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "BIRD", "BEAST", "RAPTOR", "MOUSE", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "TERRIFYING", "name": { "str": "Terrifying" }, "points": 1, "description": "There's something about you that creatures find frightening, and they are more likely to try to flee.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "BEAST", "INSECT", "CHIMERA", "VAMP" ], "social_modifiers": { "intimidate": 15 } }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "CANNIBAL", "name": { "str": "Cannibal" }, "points": 1, "description": "For your whole life you've been forbidden from indulging in your peculiar tastes. Now the world's ended, and you'll be damned if anyone is going to tell you that you can't eat people.", "starting_trait": true, "valid": false, "cancels": [ "VEGETARIAN" ], "category": [ "VAMP" ], "flags": [ "CANNIBAL" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "CARNIVORE", "name": { "str": "Carnivore" }, "points": -4, "description": "Your body's ability to digest fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts is severely hampered. You cannot eat anything besides meat.", "cancels": [ "VEGETARIAN", "HERBIVORE", "RUMINANT", "GRAZER" ], "leads_to": [ "SAPROVORE" ], "category": [ "LIZARD", "BEAST", "SPIDER", "CHIMERA", "RAPTOR", "FELINE", "VAMP" ], "vitamin_rates": [ [ "vitC", -1200 ] ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "WEAKSCENT", "name": { "str": "Weak Scent" }, "points": 1, "description": "Your scent is quite weak. Animals that track your scent will do so with more difficulty.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "ALPHA", "VAMP" ], "scent_intensity": 300, "types": [ "SCENT" ] } ]