[ { "type": "mutation", "id": "FLEET", "name": "Fleet-Footed", "points": 2, "description": "You can move more quickly than most, resulting in a 15% speed bonus on sure footing.", "starting_trait": true, "changes_to": [ "FLEET2" ], "category": [ "SPIDER", "MOUSE", "VAMP" ], "types": [ "RUNNING" ], "movecost_flatground_modifier": 0.85 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "GOODHEARING", "name": "Good Hearing", "points": 1, "description": "Your hearing is better than average, and you can hear distant sounds more easily.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "ALPHA", "MOUSE", "ELFA", "VAMP" ], "cancels": [ "BADHEARING" ], "hearing_modifier": 1.25 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "GOODCARDIO", "name": "Indefatigable", "points": 2, "description": "Whether due to exercise and good diet, or due to a natural propensity to physical endurance, you tire due to physical exertion much less readily than others. Your maximum stamina is 25% higher than usual.", "starting_trait": true, "valid": false, "cancels": [ "BADCARDIO" ], "changes_to": [ "GOODCARDIO2" ], "category": [ "FISH", "LUPINE", "MOUSE", "INSECT", "VAMP" ], "max_stamina_modifier": 1.25 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "FASTHEALER", "name": "Fast Healer", "points": 2, "description": "You heal faster when sleeping and will even recover a small amount of HP when not sleeping.", "starting_trait": true, "types": [ "HEALING" ], "changes_to": [ "FASTHEALER2", "REGEN_LIZ" ], "category": [ "MEDICAL", "VAMP" ], "healing_awake": 0.2, "healing_resting": 0.5 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "FASTHEALER2", "name": { "str": "Very Fast Healer" }, "points": 4, "description": "Your flesh regenerates slowly, and you will regain HP even when not sleeping.", "types": [ "HEALING" ], "prereqs": [ "FASTHEALER" ], "changes_to": [ "REGEN" ], "category": [ "PLANT", "VAMP" ], "healing_awake": 0.66, "healing_resting": 0.5, "mending_modifier": 4.0 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "REGEN", "name": { "str": "Regeneration" }, "points": 6, "description": "Your flesh regenerates from wounds incredibly quickly.", "types": [ "HEALING" ], "prereqs": [ "FASTHEALER2" ], "category": [ "SLIME", "TROGLOBITE", "VAMP" ], "healing_awake": 2.0, "healing_resting": 1.5, "mending_modifier": 16.0 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "PAINRESIST", "name": "Pain Resistant", "points": 2, "description": "You have a high tolerance for pain.", "starting_trait": true, "valid": false, "cancels": [ "MORE_PAIN", "MORE_PAIN2", "MORE_PAIN3" ], "category": [ "MEDICAL", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "INFRESIST", "name": { "str": "Infection Resistant" }, "points": 2, "description": "Your immune system is particularly good at resisting infections. You have an increased chance for bad wounds and infections to heal on their own, and only suffer reduced penalties from them.", "starting_trait": true, "changes_to": [ "INFIMMUNE" ], "category": [ "TROGLOBITE", "RAT", "MEDICAL", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "DISIMMUNE", "name": { "str": "Disease Immune" }, "points": 2, "description": "Your body is simply immune to diseases. You will never catch an ambient disease.", "prereqs": [ "DISRESISTANT" ], "category": [ "PLANT", "SLIME", "TROGLOBITE", "VAMP" ], "flags": [ "NO_DISEASE" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "PARAIMMUNE", "name": { "str": "Parasite Immune" }, "points": 1, "description": "Your body is unusually inhospitable to parasitic lifeforms. You will never become infested with internal parasites.", "prereqs": [ "DISRESISTANT" ], "prereqs2": [ "INFRESIST" ], "category": [ "ELFA", "CHIMERA", "MEDICAL", "SLIME", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "NIGHTVISION", "name": "Night Vision", "points": 2, "description": "You possess natural night vision, and can see further in the dark than most. Activate to toggle NV-visible areas on or off.", "starting_trait": true, "changes_to": [ "NIGHTVISION2" ], "cancels": [ "ELFA_NV", "ELFA_FNV", "FEL_NV", "URSINE_EYE" ], "category": [ "BIRD", "CATTLE", "INSECT", "VAMP" ], "active": true, "starts_active": true }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "NIGHTVISION2", "name": "High Night Vision", "points": 4, "description": "You can see incredibly well in the dark! Activate to toggle NV-visible areas on or off.", "prereqs": [ "NIGHTVISION" ], "changes_to": [ "NIGHTVISION3" ], "cancels": [ "ELFA_NV", "ELFA_FNV", "FEL_NV", "URSINE_EYE" ], "category": [ "FISH", "BEAST", "INSECT", "RAT", "CHIMERA", "LUPINE", "MOUSE", "VAMP" ], "active": true, "starts_active": true }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "NIGHTVISION3", "name": "Full Night Vision", "points": 6, "description": "You can see in pitch blackness as if you were wearing night-vision goggles. Activate to toggle NV-visible areas on or off.", "prereqs": [ "NIGHTVISION2" ], "leads_to": [ "INFRARED" ], "cancels": [ "ELFA_NV", "ELFA_FNV", "FEL_NV", "URSINE_EYE" ], "category": [ "FISH", "TROGLOBITE", "SPIDER", "VAMP" ], "active": true, "starts_active": true }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "INFRARED", "name": { "str": "Infrared Vision" }, "points": 5, "description": "Your eyes have mutated to pick up radiation in the infrared spectrum.", "prereqs": [ "NIGHTVISION3" ], "cancels": [ "LIZ_IR" ], "category": [ "INSECT", "TROGLOBITE", "SPIDER", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "DEFT", "name": "Deft", "points": 1, "description": "While you're not any better at melee combat, you are better at recovering from a miss, and will be able to attempt another strike faster.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "BIRD", "BEAST", "RAPTOR", "MOUSE", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "TERRIFYING", "name": "Terrifying", "points": 1, "description": "There's something about you that creatures find frightening, and they are more likely to try to flee.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "BEAST", "INSECT", "CHIMERA", "VAMP" ], "social_modifiers": { "intimidate": 15 } }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "LIGHTSTEP", "name": "Light Step", "points": 1, "description": "You make less noise while walking. You're also less likely to set off traps.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "BIRD", "ELFA", "FELINE", "VAMP" ], "cancels": [ "CLUMSY" ], "noise_modifier": 0.4 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "CANNIBAL", "name": "Cannibal", "points": 1, "description": "For your whole life you've been forbidden from indulging in your peculiar tastes. Now the world's ended, and you'll be damned if anyone is going to tell you that you can't eat people.", "starting_trait": true, "valid": false, "cancels": [ "VEGETARIAN" ], "category": [ "VAMP" ], "flags": [ "CANNIBAL" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "CARNIVORE", "name": { "str": "Carnivore" }, "points": -4, "description": "Your body's ability to digest fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts is severely hampered. You cannot eat anything besides meat.", "cancels": [ "VEGETARIAN", "HERBIVORE", "RUMINANT", "GRAZER" ], "leads_to": [ "SAPROVORE" ], "category": [ "LIZARD", "BEAST", "SPIDER", "CHIMERA", "RAPTOR", "FELINE", "VAMP" ], "vitamin_rates": [ [ "vitC", -1200 ] ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "PRED1", "name": { "str": "Culler" }, "points": 2, "description": "You've had a revelation: by killing the weaker creatures, who would only die anyway, you preserve resources for those better able to survive. You are less bothered by the deaths of others: their own weakness invited these fates upon them.", "purifiable": false, "changes_to": [ "PRED2" ], "prereqs": [ "CARNIVORE", "THRESH_URSINE" ], "threshreq": [ "THRESH_BEAST", "THRESH_RAPTOR", "THRESH_CHIMERA", "THRESH_LUPINE", "THRESH_FELINE", "THRESH_URSINE", "THRESH_LIZARD", "THRESH_SPIDER", "THRESH_VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "WEAKSCENT", "name": "Weak Scent", "points": 1, "description": "Your scent is quite weak. Animals that track your scent will do so with more difficulty.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "ALPHA", "VAMP" ], "types": [ "SCENT" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "PRETTY", "name": "Pretty", "points": 1, "ugliness": -2, "description": "You are a sight to behold. NPCs who care about such things will react more kindly to you.", "starting_trait": true, "category": [ "ALPHA", "FELINE", "LUPINE", "VAMP" ], "cancels": [ "UGLY", "DEFORMED", "DEFORMED2", "DEFORMED3" ], "changes_to": [ "BEAUTIFUL" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "BEAUTIFUL", "name": { "str": "Beautiful" }, "points": 2, "visibility": 4, "ugliness": -4, "description": "You're a real head-turner. Some people will react well to your appearance, and most people have an easier time trusting you.", "cancels": [ "UGLY", "DEFORMED", "DEFORMED2", "DEFORMED3" ], "prereqs": [ "PRETTY" ], "changes_to": [ "BEAUTIFUL2" ], "category": [ "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "BEAUTIFUL2", "name": { "str": "Very Beautiful" }, "points": 3, "visibility": 7, "ugliness": -7, "description": "You are a vision of beauty. Some people will react very well to your looks, and most people will trust you immediately.", "cancels": [ "UGLY", "DEFORMED", "DEFORMED2", "DEFORMED3" ], "prereqs": [ "BEAUTIFUL" ], "changes_to": [ "BEAUTIFUL3" ], "category": [ "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "BEAUTIFUL3", "name": { "str": "Glorious" }, "points": 4, "visibility": 10, "ugliness": -10, "description": "You are incredibly beautiful. People cannot help themselves due to your charms, and will do whatever they can to please you.", "cancels": [ "UGLY", "DEFORMED", "DEFORMED2", "DEFORMED3" ], "prereqs": [ "BEAUTIFUL2" ], "category": [ "ELFA", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "INSOMNIA", "name": "Insomniac", "points": -2, "description": "You have a hard time falling asleep, even under the best circumstances!", "starting_trait": true, "valid": false, "category": [ "MEDICAL", "VAMP" ], "cancels": [ "EASYSLEEPER" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "THINSKIN", "name": "Thin-Skinned", "points": -1, "description": "Your skin is fragile. Cutting damage is slightly increased for you.", "starting_trait": true, "cancels": [ "THICKSKIN" ], "category": [ "VAMP" ], "armor": [ { "parts": "ALL", "cut": -1 } ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "WEAKSTOMACH", "name": "Weak Stomach", "points": -1, "description": "You are more likely to throw up from food poisoning, alcohol, etc.", "starting_trait": true, "changes_to": [ "NAUSEA" ], "category": [ "VAMP" ], "cancels": [ "STRONGSTOMACH" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "FLIMSY", "name": "Flimsy", "points": -4, "description": "Your body can't take much abuse. Its maximum HP is 25% lower than usual and you heal slightly slower. Stacks with Glass Jaw.", "starting_trait": true, "valid": false, "social_modifiers": { "intimidate": -2 }, "cancels": [ "TOUGH", "TOUGH2", "TOUGH3" ], "category": [ "MOUSE", "ELFA", "VAMP" ], "changes_to": [ "FLIMSY2" ], "hp_modifier": -0.25 }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "FANGS", "name": "Fangs", "points": 2, "visibility": 2, "ugliness": 2, "description": "Your teeth have grown into two-inch-long fangs, allowing you to make an extra attack when conditions favor it.", "types": [ "TEETH" ], "changes_to": [ "SABER_TEETH", "SHARKTEETH" ], "category": [ "LIZARD", "FISH", "LUPINE", "FELINE", "CHIMERA" ], "attacks": [ { "attack_text_u": "You sink your fangs into %s", "attack_text_npc": "%1$s sinks their fangs into %2$s", "blocker_mutations": [ "MUZZLE", "MUZZLE_LONG", "MUZZLE_RAT" ], "body_part": "MOUTH", "chance": 20, "base_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 20 } }, { "attack_text_u": "You sink your fangs into %s", "attack_text_npc": "%1$s sinks their fangs into %2$s", "required_mutations": [ "MUZZLE" ], "body_part": "MOUTH", "chance": 18, "base_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 20 } }, { "attack_text_u": "You sink your fangs into %s", "attack_text_npc": "%1$s sinks their fangs into %2$s", "required_mutations": [ "MUZZLE_LONG" ], "body_part": "MOUTH", "chance": 15, "base_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 20 } }, { "attack_text_u": "You sink your fangs into %s", "attack_text_npc": "%1$s sinks their fangs into %2$s", "required_mutations": [ "MUZZLE_RAT" ], "body_part": "MOUTH", "chance": 19, "base_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 20 } } ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "NAILS", "name": "Long Fingernails", "points": 1, "visibility": 1, "description": "Your fingernails are long and sharp. If you aren't wearing gloves, your unarmed attacks deal a minor amount of cutting damage.", "types": [ "CLAWS" ], "changes_to": [ "CLAWS", "TALONS" ], "cancels": [ "ARM_TENTACLES", "ARM_TENTACLES_4", "ARM_TENTACLES_8" ], "category": [ "RAPTOR" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "POISONOUS", "name": "Venomous", "points": 1, "description": "Your body produces a potent venom. Cutting or stabbing attacks from mutations have a chance to poison your target.", "prereqs": [ "POISRESIST" ], "leads_to": [ "EATPOISON" ], "changes_to": [ "POISONOUS2" ], "category": [ "SLIME", "TROGLOBITE", "SPIDER", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "PALE", "name": { "str": "Pale Skin" }, "points": 0, "visibility": 3, "ugliness": 1, "description": "Your skin is rather pale.", "changes_to": [ "ALBINO" ], "leads_to": [ "TROGLO" ], "category": [ "LUPINE", "VAMP" ], "types": [ "skin_tone" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "ALBINO", "name": "Albino", "points": -1, "description": "You lack skin pigmentation due to a genetic problem. You sunburn extremely easily, and typically use an umbrella and sunglasses when going out in the sun.", "starting_trait": true, "changes_to": [ "SUNBURN" ], "category": [ "TROGLOBITE", "MOUSE", "VAMP" ] }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "SUNBURN", "name": "Solar Sensitivity", "points": -3, "description": "Your skin simply cannot handle ultraviolet radiation, such as sunlight. It will seriously burn you.", "prereqs": [ "ALBINO" ], "prereqs2": [ "TROGLO2", "TROGLO3" ], "category": [ "TROGLOBITE", "VAMP" ] } ]