[ { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": { "u_is_wearing": "blood_necklace", "yes": "You look important.", "no": { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP", "yes": "Vampire... You're up to something?", "no": "Mortal... You're up to something?" } }, "responses": [ { "text": "Tell me about yourself.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_introduce", "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "underguard1talkedintroduce" } }, "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "underguard1talkedintroduce" } }, { "text": "Tell me about yourself.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_introduceagain", "condition": { "and": [ { "npc_has_trait": "underguard1talkedintroduce" }, { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "underguard1talkedintroduceagain" } } ] }, "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "underguard1talkedintroduceagain" } }, { "text": "Where am I?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_direction", "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "underguard1talkeddirection" } }, "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "underguard1talkeddirection" } }, { "text": "I'd be going now...", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_introduce", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": { "u_is_wearing": "blood_necklace", "yes": "Just an assigned guard here, nothing happened 'till you came in.", "no": "Why should I? If you want answers, go ask my partner." }, "responses": [ { "text": "I like you.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_flirt" }, { "text": "Okay then...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_introduceagain", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "You think I'm a dummy? Stop repeating your question, kid!", "responses": [ { "text": "Sorry...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_direction", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "I know you know where you are. *grins*.", "responses": [ { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP", "no": { "text": "Geez, don't show that to me.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_teeth" }, "yes": { "text": "Yeah I do. *grins back*", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_teeth" } }, { "text": "Okay, okay.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1" }, { "text": "Now I know where we are.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_flirt", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP", "no": "Shut up vampire, everyone likes me.", "yes": "Shut up mortal, everyone likes me." }, "responses": [ { "text": "Oh...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1_teeth", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "If you're here to make trouble, I'm ready to slay you immediately!", "responses": [ { "text": "I apologize for my mistake.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD1" }, { "text": "YEAH GIRL! BRING IT!", "effect": "insult_combat", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": { "u_is_wearing": "blood_necklace", "yes": "Damn, you managed to wear that.", "no": { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP", "yes": "Vampire, You look dazzled?", "no": "Mortal, You look dazzled?" } }, "responses": [ { "text": "Tell me who you are.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_introduce", "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "underguard2talkedcommand" } }, "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "underguard2talkedcommand" } }, { "text": "Where am I?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_direction", "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "underguard2talkedcata" } }, "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "underguard2talkedcata" } }, { "text": "I'm available for work.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_job", "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "underguard2talkedjob" } }, "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "underguard2talkedjob" } }, { "text": "Bye...", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_job", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "I don't actually have a problem, but others could have.", "responses": [ { "text": "I'll ask them.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_introduce", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "I'm a guardian, defending our cave from unwelcome intruders like you.", "responses": [ { "text": "Whoa, I'm not here to pick fights.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_fight" }, { "text": "Nice...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_direction", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "You're in the vampire cove, a refuge itself. This has been our place of peace and security for centuries. After the recent magical disaster, we have been forced to drink the blood of animals for sustenance, but we have never dared consuming blood from those frenzied humans.", "responses": [ { "text": "It's not magical, it's scientific.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_cata" }, { "text": "Oh great.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_fight", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "You should be. We never, EVER let humans come into our beloved home. Until we are commanded to accomodate your kind.", "responses": [ { "text": "Who commanded you?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_command" }, { "text": "Oh... Seems you are forced to talk with me.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_cata", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_VAMP", "yes": "Scientific? So the humans made those things... Well, I can't blame you for that.", "no": "Scientific? So you humans made those things... Well, I can't blame you for that."}, "responses": [ { "text": "You're right...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2_command", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "You look concerned, but I'll never let a word come out from my mouth about HIM.", "responses": [ { "text": "Never knew you were so loyal...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD2" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD3", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": { "npc_has_trait": "underguard3fear", "yes": "...", "no": "What do you need?" }, "responses": [ { "text": "Nothing...", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }, { "text": "What are you doing here?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD3_here", "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "underguard3fear" } } }, { "text": "What are you doing here?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD3_hereever", "condition": { "or": [ { "npc_has_trait": "underguard3fear" }, { "u_has_trait": "undertradervampmark" } ] } } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD3_here", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "I was tasked to watch over the two rampaging kindred in their cages.", "responses": [ { "text": "Oh, okay...", "topic": "TALK_DONE" }, { "text": "May I kill those two vampires?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD3_killthem", "condition": { "u_has_mission": "VAMP_UNDERTRADER_quest" } } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD3_killthem", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "Of course, if you can! We have already lost faith in ever restoring them back to who they were before their rabid sickness.", "responses": [ { "text": "That's too bad...", "topic": "TALK_DONE", "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "underguard3fear" }, "opinion": { "trust": 2, "anger": -2 } } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERGUARD3_hereever", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "Just staying in the darkness... Away from the horrifying magic.", "responses": [ { "text": "I guess you're afraid of the apocalypse too...", "effect": "end_conversation", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ] } ]