[ { "id": "TALK_MISSION_INQUIRE", "type": "talk_topic", "responses": [ { "text": "Here's your corrupted bloodrune stones.", "topic": "TALK_MISSION_SUCCESS", "effect": [ "mission_success", { "u_consume_item": "corruptbloodrune", "count": 2 } ], "condition": { "and": [ { "u_has_item": "corruptbloodrune", "count": 2 }, { "u_has_mission": "VAMP_UNDERTRADER_quest" } ] } } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": { "u_is_wearing": "blood_necklace", "yes": { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_REAL_VAMP", "yes": "Do you need something, vampire?", "no": "Do you need something, mortal?" }, "no": "Want something?" }, "responses": [ { "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "undertradertalkedhim" } }, "text": "Who are you?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_introduce" }, { "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "undertradertalkedhappened" } }, "text": "Tell me what happened outside.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_happened" }, { "text": "I'll trade with ya...", "effect": "start_trade", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER" }, { "text": "You need help? I'm here to do it.", "topic": "TALK_MISSION_LIST", "condition": { "and": [ "has_available_mission", { "not": { "u_has_trait": "undertradervampmark" } } ] } }, { "text": "You need help? I'm here to do it.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_testsdone", "condition": { "and": [ { "npc_has_trait": "undertradertestsdone" }, { "not": { "u_has_trait": "undertradervampmark" } } ] } }, { "text": "About your quest...", "topic": "TALK_MISSION_INQUIRE", "condition": "has_assigned_mission" }, { "text": "Bye, see you later.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_introduce", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "I am assigned as a trader by my master. I sell materials used in forging vampiric equipment. Or you can buy an already forged one for a lot more.", "responses": [ { "text": "Wait. Why are you selling vampire artifacts?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_artifact" }, { "text": "Why are you accepting human items in trade?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_trading" }, { "text": "Okay!.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_happened", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "I have no idea what's happening outside right now. I came here after receiving orders from HIM.", "responses": [ { "text": "Well, I expected nothing...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER", "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "undertradertalkedhappened" } } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_artifact", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_REAL_VAMP", "yes": "Our master wants to help the last surviving humans by sharing our power with them. But he has made clear we are not giving these away, so they will need lots of valuables or cash to purchase our items.", "no": "Our master wants to help the last surviving humans by sharing our power with you all. But he has made clear we are not giving these away, so you will need lots of valuables or cash to purchase our items." }, "responses": [ { "text": "Oh... Just great.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_trading", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_REAL_VAMP", "yes": "I don't know. Our master said we have to accept any human valuables you have found in your travels.", "no": "I don't know. Our master said we have to accept any valuables you humans have found in your travels." }, "responses": [ { "text": "Your master? Could you tell me anything about HIM?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_himdetail", "condition": { "u_is_wearing": "blood_necklace" }, "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "undertradertalkedhim" } }, { "text": "Your master? Could you tell me anything about HIM?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_him", "condition": { "not": { "u_is_wearing": "blood_necklace" } }, "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "undertradertalkedhim" } }, { "text": "Okay...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_him", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": { "u_has_trait": "THRESH_REAL_VAMP", "yes": "No. HE shall remain a mystery to you.", "no": "Nope. HE remains a mystery to all of your kind." }, "responses": [ { "text": "Damn... You can't show me even HIS face.", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_himdetail", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "HE is our master, the reason of our immortality and existence in this damned world.", "responses": [ { "text": "Okay...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER" }, { "text": "So, where is HE?", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_himwhere", "effect": [ { "u_add_trait": "undertradertalkedhim" } ] } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_himwhere", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "Don't even try to know...", "responses": [ { "text": "...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER" } ] }, { "id": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER_testsdone", "type": "talk_topic", "dynamic_line": "No. I guess those problems are enough to help us out...", "responses": [ { "text": "Okay...", "topic": "TALK_VAMP_UNDERTRADER", "effect": [ { "u_add_trait": "undertradervampmark" } ] } ] } ]