[ { "dynamic_line": [ "Good to see ya, bud!", "Hello there traveler!", "Interested in my wares?!" ], "id": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_maintalk", "responses": [ { "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "wastehumanjshoptalkedtohere" } }, "text": "Who and what are you doing here?", "topic": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_here" }, { "condition": { "and": [ { "npc_has_trait": "wastehumanjshoptalkedtohere" }, { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "wastehumanjshoptalkedtohereagain" } } ] }, "text": "Who and what are you doing here?", "topic": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_hereagain" }, { "condition": { "not": { "npc_has_trait": "wastehumanjshoptalkedjoblol" } }, "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "wastehumanjshoptalkedjoblol" }, "text": "Any jobs to offer?", "topic": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_joblol" }, { "effect": "start_trade", "text": "Let me see what you have to trade.", "topic": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_maintalk" }, { "text": "Bye.", "topic": "TALK_DONE" } ], "type": "talk_topic" }, { "dynamic_line": "Just a silly guy collecting garbage outside, somewhere far from those frenzied walkers. There are many times my hobby has put me at risk, so I can only safely bring a few of the items I find back here.", "id": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_here", "responses": [ { "text": "And... How's the living here?", "topic": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_there" } ], "type": "talk_topic" }, { "dynamic_line": "Peaceful as always. But you see, life has been easier working together with these vampires. They offer us protection from all sorts of threats, while us humans do the usual chores outside.", "id": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_there", "responses": [ { "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "wastehumanjshoptalkedtohere" }, "text": "I guess they're friendly after all.", "topic": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_maintalk" } ], "type": "talk_topic" }, { "dynamic_line": "I have said my words clearly, or do you like to repeat your answers just for fun?", "id": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_hereagain", "responses": [ { "effect": { "npc_add_trait": "wastehumanjshoptalkedtohereagain" }, "text": "Sorry about that.", "topic": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_maintalk" } ], "type": "talk_topic" }, { "dynamic_line": "Hey buddy, I sell stuff here. Do you think I have a problem?\n*Points a finger to his face*", "id": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_joblol", "responses": [ { "text": "Ummm... No.", "topic": "TALK_HUMAN_JUNKSHOP_maintalk" } ], "type": "talk_topic" } ]