[ { "id": "t2_blood_bloodpuddle", "type": "SPELL", "name": { "str": "Blood Puddle" }, "description": "Expel a portion of your blood and command it to form a thick pool in an area. It will greatly hamper the movement of non-vampires that attempt to pass through it.\n\nThis is a tier 2 spell.", "sound_id": "bionics", "sound_variant": "acid_discharge", "sprite": "fd_blood", "spell_class": "VAMP_BLOOD_spellcaster", "difficulty": 2, "max_level": 30, "energy_source": "HP", "base_energy_cost": 6, "energy_increment": -0.1, "final_energy_cost": 3, "effect": "attack", "shape": "blast", "valid_targets": [ "hostile", "ally", "ground", "self" ], "min_range": 5, "range_increment": 0.166666666667, "max_range": 10, "min_aoe": 2, "aoe_increment": 0.25, "max_aoe": 5, "field_id": "fd_puddleb", "min_field_intensity": 1, "field_intensity_increment": 0.0666666666667, "max_field_intensity": 3, "base_casting_time": 60, "casting_time_increment": -1, "final_casting_time": 30, "flags": [ "NO_LEGS" ] }, { "id": "t2_blood_bloodsting", "type": "SPELL", "name": { "str": "Blood Dagger" }, "description": "Launch a small amount of your blood as a blade which can imaple your target.\n\nThis is a tier 2 spell.", "sound_description": "glass shattering!", "sound_type": "combat", "sound_id": "bullet_hit", "sound_variant": "hit_flesh", "sprite": "animation_hit", "spell_class": "VAMP_BLOOD_spellcaster", "difficulty": 2, "max_level": 30, "energy_source": "HP", "base_energy_cost": 6, "energy_increment": -0.1, "final_energy_cost": 3, "effect": "attack", "shape": "blast", "valid_targets": [ "hostile", "ally", "ground" ], "min_damage": 40, "damage_increment": 1, "max_damage": 150, "damage_type": "stab", "min_range": 10, "range_increment": 0.333333333334, "max_range": 20, "base_casting_time": 90, "casting_time_increment": -1.5, "final_casting_time": 45, "flags": [ "NO_LEGS" ] }, { "id": "t2_blood_bloodsynthesis", "type": "SPELL", "name": { "str": "Blood Synthesis" }, "description": "Expend a portion of your life force to heal tissue damage in others.\n\nThis is a tier 2 spell.", "sound_description": "splash!", "sound_id": "misc", "sound_variant": "inhale", "sprite": "fd_blood", "spell_class": "VAMP_BLOOD_spellcaster", "difficulty": 4, "max_level": 30, "energy_source": "HP", "base_energy_cost": 10, "energy_increment": -0.166666666667, "final_energy_cost": 5, "effect": "attack", "shape": "blast", "extra_effects": [ { "id": "t2_blood_bloodsynthesis_spell_heal_pain" } ], "valid_targets": [ "ally" ], "min_damage": -15, "damage_increment": -0.5, "max_damage": -30, "min_range": 1, "range_increment": 0.166666666667, "max_range": 6, "base_casting_time": 150, "casting_time_increment": -2.5, "final_casting_time": 75, "flags": [ "NO_LEGS", "CONCENTRATE", "NO_PROJECTILE" ] } ]