[ { "id": "mon_desolation_aura", "type": "MONSTER", "name": { "str": "desolate gloom" }, "description": "A hovering mist of pure hunger, undulating in soft, patterned beats.", "default_faction": "player", "species": [ "HORROR" ], "diff": 30, "volume": "3 ml", "weight": "3 g", "note": "No way to make this monster immune to its own emitted fields, so an invincible HP is needed here. Take note that only vampires are immune, and nothing else.", "hp": 1000000, "speed": 50, "symbol": "*", "color": "light_gray", "aggression": 100, "morale": 100, "melee_skill": 0, "melee_dice": 0, "melee_dice_sides": 0, "melee_cut": 0, "dodge": 6, "vision_day": 30, "vision_night": 30, "harvest": "exempt", "emit_fields": [ "emit_v_desolate" ], "death_function": [ "MELT" ], "flags": [ "SEES", "HEARS", "GOODHEARING", "SMELLS", "NOHEAD", "HARDTOSHOOT", "WEBWALK", "FLIES", "PLASTIC", "ELECTRIC", "ACIDPROOF", "NO_BREATHE", "NOGIB" ] }, { "id": "mon_orus_bloodling", "id": "Loosely based on mon_blob", "type": "MONSTER", "name": { "str": "bloodling" }, "description": "A bloated lump of blood that has formed into something... frightening.", "default_faction": "player", "species": [ "HORROR" ], "volume": "62500 ml", "weight": "81500 g", "hp": 80, "speed": 70, "material": [ "flesh" ], "harvest": "exempt", "symbol": "O", "color": "light_red", "aggression": 100, "morale": 100, "melee_skill": 4, "melee_dice": 2, "melee_dice_sides": 4, "melee_cut": 0, "armor_bash": 15, "armor_stab": 20, "death_function": [ "MELT" ], "regenerates": 5, "flags": [ "SEES", "HEARS", "SMELLS", "NOHEAD", "WARM", "BASHES", "GROUP_BASH", "POISON", "VENOM", "NO_BREATHE", "ACIDPROOF" ] }, { "id": "mon_orus_bloodling_greater", "//": "Loosely based on mon_blob_large", "type": "MONSTER", "name": { "str": "greater bloodling" }, "description": "A bloated lump of blood that has formed into something... extra frightening.", "default_faction": "player", "species": [ "HORROR" ], "volume": "92500 ml", "weight": "120 kg", "hp": 160, "speed": 90, "material": [ "flesh" ], "harvest": "exempt", "symbol": "O", "color": "light_red", "aggression": 100, "morale": 100, "melee_skill": 6, "melee_dice": 4, "melee_dice_sides": 4, "melee_cut": 0, "armor_cut": 8, "armor_bash": 25, "armor_stab": 30, "death_function": [ "MELT" ], "regenerates": 10, "flags": [ "SEES", "HEARS", "SMELLS", "NOHEAD", "WARM", "BASHES", "GROUP_BASH", "POISON", "VENOM", "NO_BREATHE", "ACIDPROOF" ] }, { "id": "mon_ether_shadow", "type": "MONSTER", "name": { "str": "etherean silhouette" }, "description": "A deceitful humanoid shadow, glimmering in faint, ghastly light.", "default_faction": "player", "species": [ "HORROR" ], "bodytype": "human", "diff": 10, "note": "ethereal creatures has no physical density.", "volume": "3 ml", "weight": "3 g", "hp": 20, "speed": 130, "symbol": "@", "color": "light_gray", "aggression": 100, "morale": 100, "melee_skill": 0, "melee_dice": 0, "melee_dice_sides": 0, "melee_cut": 0, "dodge": 8, "armor_cut": 999, "armor_stab": 999, "armor_bash": 999, "vision_day": 18, "vision_night": 18, "luminance": 5, "path_settings": { "max_dist": 5, "max_length": 20 }, "special_attacks": [ { "type": "spell", "spell_data": { "id": "mon_ether_shadow_spell_target" }, "cooldown": 14, "monster_message": "%1$s stares at %3$s as it gesture its arms!" } ], "harvest": "exempt", "death_function": [ "MELT" ], "flags": [ "SEES", "HEARS", "GOODHEARING", "SMELLS", "HARDTOSHOOT", "WEBWALK", "FLIES", "NO_BREATHE", "NOGIB" ] }, { "id": "mon_idol_vex", "type": "MONSTER", "name": { "str": "Vex" }, "description": "An etherean deity, concealed beneath an impenetrable barrier. Within a clear vision, a vaguely humanoid figure floats freely mid-air.", "default_faction": "player", "species": [ "HORROR" ], "bodytype": "human", "diff": 50, "volume": "3 ml", "weight": "3 g", "hp": 400, "speed": 60, "symbol": "@", "color": "white", "aggression": 100, "morale": 100, "melee_skill": 0, "melee_dice": 0, "melee_dice_sides": 0, "melee_cut": 0, "dodge": 5, "armor_cut": 999, "armor_stab": 999, "armor_bash": 999, "vision_day": 30, "vision_night": 30, "luminance": 20, "path_settings": { "max_dist": 5, "max_length": 20 }, "special_attacks": [ { "type": "spell", "spell_data": { "id": "mon_idol_vex_spell_target" }, "cooldown": 11, "monster_message": "%1$s shimmers as it glares at %3$s!" } ], "harvest": "exempt", "death_function": [ "MELT" ], "flags": [ "SEES", "HEARS", "GOODHEARING", "SMELLS", "HARDTOSHOOT", "WEBWALK", "FLIES", "NO_BREATHE", "NOGIB" ] }, { "id": "mon_idol_vex_etherhar", "type": "MONSTER", "name": { "str": "ethereal harbringer" }, "description": "A ghastly cloud of concentrated etherean power. Seems to be volatile, and may suddenly implode when it is touched.", "default_faction": "player", "species": [ "HORROR" ], "diff": 20, "volume": "3 ml", "weight": "3 g", "hp": 5, "speed": 25, "symbol": "0", "color": "white", "aggression": 100, "morale": 100, "melee_skill": 0, "melee_dice": 0, "melee_dice_sides": 0, "melee_cut": 0, "dodge": 2, "armor_cut": 999, "armor_stab": 999, "armor_bash": 999, "vision_day": 10, "vision_night": 10, "luminance": 2, "path_settings": { "max_dist": 5, "max_length": 20 }, "special_attacks": [ { "type": "spell", "spell_data": { "id": "mon_idol_vex_etherhar_spell_target" }, "cooldown": 1, "monster_message": "%1$s shines vigorously!" } ], "harvest": "exempt", "death_function": [ "MELT" ], "flags": [ "SEES", "HEARS", "GOODHEARING", "SMELLS", "HARDTOSHOOT", "WEBWALK", "FLIES", "NO_BREATHE", "NOGIB" ] } ]