CHANGELOG (31/05/2019)

+ Added a licensed soundtrack (thanks to Arkham Radio)
+ Added 2 new engine stall sfx
+ Added 4 variations for radio inaudible chatter 
+ Added spitting sfx 
+ Added whistle sfx 
+ Added airhorn sfx 
+ Added talking doll sfx 
+ Added creepy doll sfx 
+ Added snake hiss sfx 
+ Added rattling sfx
+ Added eyebot sfx 
+ Added riot bot sfx 
+ Added nurse bot sfx 
+ Added prototype bot sfx
+ Added police bot sfx
+ Added cleaner bot sfx
+ Added miner bot sfx
+ Added security bot sfx
+ Added skitter bot sfx
+ Added shoggoth sfx
- Removed puff (they were actually for triffids and fungal blossoms, not the player)
- Removed inhale (they were actually for triffids and fungal blossoms, not the player)
- Removed exhale (they were actually for triffids and fungal blossoms, not the player)

CHANGELOG (24/05/2019)

+ Added basic vehicle sfx
+ Added geiger counter sfx (low, medium, high)
+ Added jackhammer sfx
+ Added axe sfx
+ Added camera sfx
+ Added crowbar sfx
+ Added gas pump sfx
+ Added hacksaw sfx
+ Added boltcutters sfx
+ Added handcuffs sfx
+ Added noise emitter sfx
+ Added oxytorch sfx
+ Added pick axe sfx
+ Added shovel
+ Added repair kit sfx
+ Added bear trap sfx
+ Added snare sfx
+ Added glass caltrop sfx
+ Added bubble wrap sfx
+ Added glass trap sfx
+ Added dissector sfx
+ Added teleport sfx
+ Added radio static sfx
+ Added bell sfx
+ Added cow bell sfx
+ Added bomb ticking sfx
+ Added earthquake sfx
+ Added lit fuse sfx
+ Added stairs movement sfx
+ Added stones grinding sfx
+ Added radio inaudible chatter sfx
+ Added fire ignition sfx
+ Added inhale sfx
+ Added exhale sfx
+ Added puff sfx
= Changed menu sfx
= Changed 2 explosion sfx
= Changed danger sfx
- Removed a few night time ambient sfx (they were too noisy)
- Removed a lot of songs