General changes- Add references for female SUNBURN Fix the second reference of FLOWERS to correctly reference ROSEBUDS. Remove duplicate reference for bio_adrenaline Add references for eye colours added by DDA. Many many revisions to the tiled overmap. -There should be no more letters used instead of actual tiles. -Many buildings given references so they no longer appear like the mapgen it was templated from. (Farms were particularily troublesome for this.) -Many buildings adjusted to look more accurate, such as by adding parking lots, roads, and open sky tiles in appropriate sections. (The Military Base is probably the best example.) -Some changed entirely. (The Private Resort looked very strange as a cluster of houses.) Fixed the many incorrect uses of weighted variants instead of rotations. Changes for BN- Add references for overmap_path Add reference for the auger tool. Add references for AoE buckshot. Add references for the standard/large storage battery furniture. Add references for the improved solar panel furniture. Add references for the bionics BN absorbed from Aftershock (bn_bio_solar, etc) Add missing overlay_wielded tiles bot_turret_light, bot_turret_medium, bot_turret_longrange Add missing overlay_wielded tiles broken_turret_light, broken_turret_medium, broken_turret_longrange Add references to small/medium quadruped armors Changes for mods- Add references for the Packed AT4 mod. Add references for bio_armor_feet and bio_armor_hands from the CBM Fixes mod. Add tiled overmap references for the buildings in the vampire stuff redone mod. Changes to image files- normal_character.png: Remove the lower front section from the female long hairs. It ends up looking more like a long chin or beard. normal_stuff.png: Rotate the landscaping supply store tiles 180 degrees to ensure they display properly with BN's tile rotation change. Changing the config alone was insufficient. Mirror the double-wide house fourth tide vertically. It appears to have been an error. todo- update the base tileset Add tile or alias for PATCHSKIN1/PATCHSKIN2 large_stuff.png lacks an open-sky tile for backgrounds: -Change background for military base tower overmap to open sky -Change background for fire watch tower overmap to open sky -Change background for migo-tower overmap to open sky -Change background for 2storyModern overmap to open sky -Change background for radio tower overmap to open sky -Change background for cs_car_showroom_2ndfloor and cs_car_showroom_roof to open sky. large_stuff.png forces a background for several tiles: -Change background for loffice_tower overmap to open sky -Change background for lighthouse overmap to open sky west facing urban_3_3 tile is abit funky Add in BN shields Fix blueberry, strawberry, and cherry plants to have the fruit in spring New bows (Not required as BN has moved them to an external tileset.) Add in star fort overmap Add f_cardboard_door, f_cardboard_door_o, f_cardboard_floor, f_cardboard_roof -tileset lacks for these s_lightindustry might be broken -bn doesn't have it, so the tiles are untested